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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. i love honda civics!

    what year would be a good idea?

    Her's is a 95. It has 170K miles and still runs great. The 90 Corolla my son had hit 250K and was still running good when he sold it. I would get a 95 or later.

  2. Honestly I want to change all the changing I did in 2007! (:lol: ) Seriously, there were some positive things that came out of this year and continuing those positives is my main goal for 2008, but I want to leave all the drama behind! ;)

    I have gotten way too involved with drama this year. I am sick of it. I am going to do my best to avoid it in 08. Life is too short to get caught up in that mess.

  3. Is that the one that costs some big bux? Our original band site was created by our former guitarist adn he used Frontpage to build it. I've since been in charge in maintaining since he left the band. I used Visual Web Design (an MSN program too) from a copy I got from my singer's sister. Not sure how much it cost her but I found it online for free (it's like a 2003 program).


    I wanted to take our PICS page and make it work with thumbnails but have no clue as to how to do it.

    My company bought it. I think it was about $150.

  4. I would think ANY business would say, "We don't carry that, but I can get one for you if you would like me to".


    Seems many of the retail stores don't want to help the consumer. They just want to force on you what they have.



    Yep. I will never go to Jerkit City again myself, after the way I was treated the last time I was there.

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