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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. I just heard on Channel 2 news that the intersection of Hwy 278 and Hwy 92 in Hiram is closed due to ice on the road. Geez....that will be a nightmare!!! I'm glad I don't have to drive thru there this morning... :o

    Glad you posted this. Both me and my wife go that way. Guess I will cut around behind Home Depot.

  2. the troops?

    they risk their lives for us!

    and to know that since i am still in school, it kills me to see a lot of people not standing up for the pledge!

    it just KILLS me!

    my boyfriend is going to be in the army starting this summer!

    it kills me inside knowing that he loves this country, that he is going to be out there on the front line getting shot at because he LOVES this country!

    so saying this...

    who supports our troops???

    The American Legion and the American Legion Riders.

  3. I think I have 2 or 3 packs left... I woke up yesterday morning after smoking TWO packs the night before and felt like there was sludge in my lungs.


    One way to quit is to get tipsy and smoke like a freight train.






    I smoke about 3 times more when I am drinking. I am cutting out the smoking and cutting way back on the drinking this year. I am getting to old to hack it anymore.

  4. I'm cheating today. I already have my roast in the slow cooker with red potatoes, carrots, celery, onions and garlic. My house smells wonderful, but the down side is I want to eat it now. :lol:


    I'm also doing a chocolate pound cake for dessert.


    Tomorrow night I think I'm making manicotti. I really need to start making out my weekly dinner lists again. It saves so much time.



    So, anyone else doing an easy dinner tonight?

    Sounds great, but right now I can't smell anything, nor do I feel like eating. I have been steadily getting sicker since Monday. I am finishing up the year end stuff here, then I am going home and go beddy bye.

  5. Can't wait to see Gibbs spank Hendrick this year. I know that everyone is saying that the Toys are going to have issues but I think now that they have a real team they will compete very well.




    What record? Most titles is shared with Petty, wins at Daytona I don't think Gordon is even close but may be wrong.

    Petty has more wins, but fewer championships than Earnhardt. I think Petty has 4, like Gordon. Earnhardt had 7. No one else has that many, but I would like to see someone beat it.

  6. I was going to go the the American Legion. Contagious is playing, but the price is steep and I am low on cash, so I will probably hang out here. Simply Southern is playing at The Spotlight Salon, so that should be great.

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