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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. I have already suggested we (the ALR) plan another ride for the Meth Alliance this year. We enjoyed helping last year. I was thinking we could do a combined ride that included the DARE program, but I will have to see how it pans out.

  2. The digital design degree is separate from the business degree I obtained. Basically, I was starting over from scratch to get the design degree.


    Even after I'm done, I'll essentially be in the same spot I am now, just with dual degrees in different fields.





    It's complicated, but no - I can't transfer the credits. :lol:

    I think I can still use all of my credits toward another degree. It hasn't been that long. I've got the itch to do something, plus my company reinstated tuition last year, and they doubled the benefits. They cut it out about half way through my last degree, but HOPE picked it up thankfully.

  3. I have been thinking about going back in the Spring. I finished up one degree in September 2006 and I have done nothing since but piss away time for the most part. Might as well be learning something.

  4. I didn't get to see you long enough tho -_-

    Yeah, we weren't really planning on doing much. We met Jester and Little T for Mexican around 1pm, then rode up to Bikers Gone Wild, where we ran into some of the "gang". We ended up riding out, meeting Presley and picking up CC, then back to Birdies. I was starting to get pretty tired. Been on the go all weekend and accomplished nothing. :lol:

  5. just so ya know the one and only time I ate today. I ran into about 10 of my bestest friends at Birdies and we had a great time.


    Yeah Me for being a PROCRASTINATOR :D

    Yes we did have a great time. Glad you showed up. :)

  6. Gosh, are you being sarcastic?

    In my dictionary, god is defined as the supreme being or ultimate reality, infinite mind, universal spirit. No where can I find that the word God specifically refers to the God of the Christian bible.

    I was being somewhat sarcastic, and I am sure the reference is to the Christian God, and I don't have a problem with that myself.


    I used to think people were crazy when they talked about a "war" on Christianity by various groups.


    After recognizing a definite pattern in the media and elsewhere over the last year I have changed my mind.


    Christianity has become the whipping post because it is not politically correct to criticize other religions.

    IMO, it has all most certainly become an all out attack on Christianity. Strange, considering the events of the past few years. I bet the terrorist and Islamic extremist are loving all of this.

  7. But when it added in 1954 nobody complained about it and everyone one glad to say it. now its just another thing to B*tch about

    Yep. It seems to be the standard M/O today. Go out looking for something to beotch about, and that something is usually God. Wonder who they will cry out to when he removes his protection from this nation and all hell breaks loose here as it has in so many other nations. I think people need to be careful what they ask for. When you have totally removed God from this nation, as so many are determined to do, it will become a dark and scary place. All you need to do is look at the history of nations that have tried to stamp out God and religion. I don't believe in forced religion at all, but govenments that have sought to remove God completely are even more scary to me.

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