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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. Some people will spout out, "I didn't do it," before you even ask a question. If your question is going to be, "how are we going to handle this problem?" Their first thought is, "I didn't do it." These people are blind to solution, and will let a problem go to anyone who has an initiative to handle it.


    But, there are some also who are BLIND to the fact that others may have a less than pure heart and motives. These people are determined to be innocent without assuming any obligation to be wise. These indivduals believe in such a prudish manner that they're out of the mainstream of life. They try to impose an extreme, unrealistic, standard on themselves and others.


    Have people actually gone to college, came out with high degrees, and still think like I have described above? I can't understand it but the answer to that question is a BIG yes.

    In other words, you are easily duped and you don't like it? I didn't do it, but I sure wish I had.

  2. I have noticed that when people eat yogurt (including myself) it is such a seductive act.


    the hmm noises and the slowness of taking the yogurt off the spoon and then licking the spoon clean. scraping the container and then licking and Hmmm'ing again




    Am I the only one that has noticed this?

    Yes. Yes you are.

  3. ;) Love it

    Me too. People keep saying that they see them as secularGuess it is all about perception and not law. As usually, it depends on which side of the argument you are on. I was just making a point. I think I did that. Please close this thread mods.

  4. Glassman, Angels blowing horns and the other displays are not condisered religeous displays. The nativity is. I can't nor will I try and change the way you think on this. I do have an ax to grind but it is not with Mayor Austin. It is with our very Commissioners so please do not use that as a reason for this. They are two very seperate issues. I did not nor did anyone with the local or national chaper of the AU go to the press. Actually, it was just the opposite. We just wanted to make it legal. Again, we never asked for it to be removed and never filed a lawsuit.



    Mrs Howard, You ask why there was no outcry about the $25,000 wasted on a second vote, there was, quite a bit of outcry from many indivuals including myself.




    An angel (from Greek: άγγελος, angelos, "messenger", pl. άγγελοι) is a supernatural being found in many religions. In Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism, angels, as attendants or guardians to man, typically act as messengers from God.

    Angelology (from Greek: άγγελος, angelos, "messenger"; and λόγος, logos, "study") is a branch of theology that deals with a hierarchical system of angels, messengers, celestial powers or emanations, and the study of these systems. It primarily relates to Kabbalistic Judaism and Christianity,[1] where it is one of the ten major branches of theology.[2]

    Some secular scholars believe that Judeo-Christianity owes a great debt to Zoroastrianism in regards to the introduction of angelology and demonology, as well as the fallen angel Satan as the ultimate agent of evil, comparing him to the evil spirit Ahriman. As the Iranian Avestan and Vedic traditions and also other branches of Indo-European mythologies show, the notion of demons had existed long before.[3] [4]






  5. Good point, but the only [religious] ones I can think of off the top of my head, look like "angels." Are there any others? I was looking at the decorations last night and the thought crossed my mind that they were sort-of secular in nature: Santa; snowmen....I mean snow-people; snowflakes; Christmas trees*. Maybe it's because I recognize no religion [as valid,] but I didn't "catch" that angels are religious in nature until you brought up the above point. Those dastardly things have to come down. (I'm kidding of course.)


    Keep in mind that the bottom line in a political struggle has nothing to do with right nor wrong. Winning [elections] isn't everything; it's the only thing.


    * Aren't Christmas trees rooten in paganism? Semi-seriously: Shouldn't both sides agree to tear those down?

    This is what I am saying. For decades governments in the US have spent money on Christmas decorations, many with religious symbolism, be it Christian, Jewish, Pagan, or other, and few have noticed. I have noticed that most of the time when something like this gets fired up the person/group that started it really has an ax to grind with the person/group that put up the object and it has little to do with church/state issues. I think someone just saw this nativity scene as a big old grinding stone.

  6. ...why no one has addressed all the other Christmas decorations that are bought by the cities of Dallas and Hiram? I did find quite a few that are clearly religious in nature. These are Christmas decorations, bought with tax dollars, and put up every year to celebrate what is considered a Christian holiday (and yeah, I know the truth, but hey, it is still considered Christian). It seems to me like always, one or two people who have a personal obsession (more like paranoia) with something, find one thing to focus on and waste time and more tax dollars picking it apart while ignoring scores of other things that are clearly of the same nature. Somewhere under all this someone probably had a problem with a specific person or group that prompted this and it really had nothing to do with church and state separation. Really, look around you. This nation is hell bent on abolishing religion. I don't see the state being in danger of a take over by the Christians any time soon.

  7. I heard on the news last night there are groups lining up to fight with the city if necessary. He we go again spending tax dollars on stupid lawsuits. No wonder the world laughs at the US justice system. We let terrorists go on technicallities then fight to the death over something this silly. :wacko:

  8. yeah I can't by groceries there; its double what walmart is, unfortunately. I like them for last minute things because its so close though.

    They had a much better selection of breads and veggies, and the deli is better.

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