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Posts posted by Joejetzu

  1. GlassMan, what did you say to start with? I've gone over this thread three times and this is the only post I see with your name on it, unless I'm completely missing something.

    Not in this thread, but in a couple of the other 30 threads on this subject. My original point was why people are making a big deal out of the city paying for the nativity scene and not all the angel and other religion inspired decorations, since the nativity scene was not biblical anyway. Of course, the naysayers argued that angels are not religious inspired and the nativity is, even though I backed it up with fact. I am only saying this because you asked. I am done with this crap. Once the liberals have made up their minds you could beat them with evidence to prove they are being selective and unreasonable and they still will not stop the nonsense. :wacko:

  2. Yep young thugs can cover a wide variety of people. I was thinking teens myself who have no respect for others. Whether it be their potty mouth when near young children or those stupid saggy pants that can hide an array of whatevers. I'm growing tired of that mall anyway. I was there when that fool thought he could rob a Brinks guard and get something for nothing. Then I heard about the carjackers trying to rob someone at the mall. Now this, grown men fighting! What is wrong with people? It doesn't matter where you are stuff can happen but for it to happen multiple times and Arbor Place can't/won't provide proper security then I guess they will eventually have an empty mall to protect.

    The last time I was there the only "security" was an overzealous zit faced teenager near the movie theater entrance yelling at people for smoking too close to the entrance. He was one of these "commando" types who would have chit himself if someone challenged him or if something serious happened. Basically, he was just filling a uniform. Nothing about him said "secure".

  3. We were coming home from shopping and a tree fell across the road in front of us. The wind was very strong. It was scary!! Hope they get power back soon.

    I was walking through the forest once and a tree fell right in front on me. I didn't hear it.

  4. I don't like electric razors. I use the Gillette Mach 4 razor with the triple blades and the pivoting head. Works a lot better, and I have a really tough beard. The little electric sideburn/nose/ear trimmers are really good. You might get a couple of those.

  5. What I don't understand is why people think everyone should be more cheerful at Christmas. The stores are overcrowed, the streets are jammed, on every turn someone is begging for money or trying to sell you something. Seems to me people have even more reason to be jerks this time of year. I'll be glad when this crap is over. Merry Chirstmas to all, and to all a good fight!

  6. hun if you want the Christmas spirit to exist, get off the computer and go create some, instead of relying on these people to make it for you, because its obviously not working ;)

    bake a thing, paint an ornament, get crafty, go shopping, something.... just don't expect 12000+ people on pcom to pony up to the task. It hasn't happened thus far, I doubt if it'll happen in the next 4 days :D The bitches will be bitches, the bastards will be bastards, but you can choose if you want to join in or rise above. b.

    Dang. You got it figured out! :lol:

  7. Oh sweetie no I am sorry I am not... you know I adore you :wub: had the baby in my lap on the phone and my damn drawer for the keyboard is broke so I am sitting on top of it.. and I was to lazy to fix it after I realized I was typing in all caps...




    then don't read my posts <_<


    I am so happy for you. How are you feeling? I think of you every day more so now that we are going through so much with my brother in law... I really should get you two together to talk I think it would help him out a lot...

    Lighten up yourself. It was a joke. Merry Christmas!


  8. I like you GlassMan, for your ability to put words in my mouth, while you call it other words. It's other words, for sure.


    I'll give you another chance to dupe me. Where is your business; is it opened to the public?


    I'll come there and let you see is you can dupe me! :D

    You won't get duped here. We have become too good at sticking it to ourselves. :lol:

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