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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. People, people, PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It needs to be a small but catchy byline on a small but catchy sign! Now, go put your thinking caps on again.
  2. Funny thing about that, I wasn't sure either, and I had an 11:30 appt. to get a female booby thing done the other day. Thank God I left the house early. I've had it done at the old Wellstar hospital in downtown Dallas for years now. Got there the other day, and the lady at the desk said "Oh, no, you need to go to the new facility off B. Caruther's Pkwy. Well, I don't know about you, but I've lived out this way for close to 20 years now, and all the different names for all the same roads drives the crap out of me, and I had 10 minutes to find the dang place. Anyway - going from the "old" h
  3. As I was leaving the new WellStar Hospital the other day, a guy got out of his pickup truck and stopped me (thank goodness for good reason, I was about to pass what I thought was an annoying fool stoppin his truck in the middle of the road.) Anyway..................after locking my doors in my car to make sure I was safe from this apparent crazy man, LOL, he told me "mam, we're about to set off some explosives." I asked him where, and he pointed to the general area. I told him "cool", and it was.! Anyway, I think someone's doing construction work off of BC, and it's pretty neat to see, and
  4. I've been craving pizza for weeks now, and I seem to be the only one here and now who wants it. That's all, just thought I'd mention it.
  5. I'm so sorry, I don't know what else to say. Bless you and your family, you've been through so much.
  6. Are they mutually exclusive? I could say so many things here that would end me up in the Tonk. So, I'll refrain
  7. OK, a take off on your own original slogan, here you go: "Try as you might, our meat can't be beat". Or just: "Our meat can't be beat". And then just follow it up with your advertisement or logo. West Metro Meats - "Our meat can't be beat". Simple, to the point, for folks who have gutter minds (hey, don't look at me), it will catch their eye, and make them giggle, but I think it's straight and to the point.
  8. Thanks Pubby, I thought for sure I was going to be banished.
  9. Is that your "slogan"? That should be an insert after you catch their eye with something about beating their meat. Oh Lord, I think I may have just taken this to The Tonk, and believe me, it wasn't intentional, it just came out that way. OK, I give up, I think I'm digging myself a deeper hole the more I type. OK - "Our meats can't be beat". LOL, I'm cracking myself up here, no matter how innocent I try for these comments to come out as, my mind still continues to go in the gutter. OK, SUE ME! OK, here we go: "Be our guest, and try to beat our meat!"
  10. I'm trying to build on "It's a treat to beat your meat.....................", but that's as far as I've gotten.
  11. Tony Orlando and Dawn? Sorry, I have no idea.
  12. $25 a month or per year? With both of us out of work right now, we're trying to find anyway to cut out $25 per month. Last year when we were both very gainfully employed I might have thought the same thing - now? Not so much. Not trying to be persnickity (sp?, how do you spell that anyway ), but things change.
  13. Ours actually, believe or not, came down last year, not by much, but some. Of course, the previous year they increased by at least 60%. I still think I'll net even, relatively speaking, but I agree, our increase was based on an upswing in property values, and then I think they came to their partial senses when they adjusted ours down a bit. Still, compared to what we were paying a couple of years ago, prior to the increase and then decrease, we're still paying a pretty penny for a house that I'm sure has devalued over the years do to the economy. We're both now out of work, had good j
  14. I'm so sorry to read this. My prayers for the family.
  15. If I get my hair cut in one of those cutie styles will that also insure me of having one of their cutie faces and bods?
  16. OK, I'm guessing that as pretty as AGG is, she can work wonders on any hair, she's been initially blessed with her own. If she can do something with mine, then she's also a miracle worker! Give her a chance! I'm sure you'll be pleased!
  17. Is this area actually part of a landfill? Would you really want to go to a medical facility built on top of a landfill? I'm sure Kennestone or Cobb General would be more than happy for that to take place!
  18. I keep reading the title of this as "Banana Dresses are Back".
  19. Did the OP intentionally title this as the Paulding "Counuty" Airport? How appropriate!
  20. It is, and personally I prefer that it stay that way, or, and when it used to be active I could never believe I would say this, I wouldn't mind seeing it come back as the drag strip. I'd much prefer that over another strip mall, or God forbid, subdivision. Of course, subdivision wise, that's not going to happen anytime soon. (Knocking on wood) At least the drag strip was only active on weekends during warm weather months, and as long as the wind was blowing in the right direction, the noise wasn't that bad.
  21. Best of luck JMT - I would love to come see you perform sometime!
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