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Everything posted by juleebella

  1. I live in East Paulding and my voting place is Mt. Tabor Park. I asked for a Republican ballot. All I wanted to vote on was the Presidential option, but it also included three names for county commissioner. So, two items, President and Commissioner. Does that make things anything clearer? It can be confusing. Just like the last time Sunday sales came up for vote and all we heard or read was Dallas. Hubby, along with a lot of others, showed up to vote only to find out that it was just for "city" of Dallas residents, not all Dallas residents.
  2. Thanks for what you're doing! And now I think my shelter kitten would like to help me type.
  3. Voted this afternoon at Mt. Tabor. I was the only one voting at the time. It was great!
  4. quit shopping at Kohl's a long time ago. Their sales prices always seemed dubious to me, as in their "sales prices" were actually what the normal price should be considering the quality of the merchandise.
  5. OK, looks like I can vote at Mt. Tabor Park. Will probably go Friday.
  6. Where do you vote, and how was the line?
  7. He doesn't love them, he wants their votes. The man's in love with himself.
  8. Yep, and very telling I thought. This is interesting: http://www.upi.com/Top_News/US/2016/02/23/Trump-may-have-to-leave-campaign-trail-for-court-appearance/9171456270740/
  9. You might check this out: http://www.southernmuseum.org/
  10. So unless they're serving tap water that doesn't need to be filtered, don't charge me extra.
  11. Confession, sometimes after going out to dinner we will stop by that one for a waffle for dessert. I sound fat don't I? (Actually I'm not, but may end up that way if we do this too many times LOL)
  12. Sorry to hear that. Provino's I guess is the off shoot of Scalini's on 41. The "eggplant babies" LOL. Did Scalini's for many occasions, and Provino's is the same restaurant just under a different name.
  13. I would welcome a Provino's.
  14. Because they make a lot of money off drunk people late at night/wee hours of the morning?
  15. Maintenance maybe? I've gotten the alerts also.
  16. We ate at the one in Locust Grove on the way home from Savannah several months ago. It was dinner time so we didn't order breakfast. Hubby and I both quit eating after just a few bites, and we were hungry. It was that bad, the place was nasty, I don't like people mopping around my table when I'm trying to eat, etc., etc.
  17. Blizzard here in Marietta, Dallas Hwy at Bob Cox Rd.
  18. Pretty snow shower here, East Paulding.
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