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Everything posted by Garland

  1. Yes, they did. What message would it send to the following senior classes' if these kids walk away with a slap on the wrist? To me, they have no other choice. I make these decisions constantly with my own kids, and yes, sometimes one will have to be made example of. Sometimes it is the good kid.
  2. I know the family well also for having lived a few doors down from them for years. I have a different opinion. Yes, Jake is a great kid. Would I do the same for mine? You bet. But, I am sorry. There has to be consequences and just because he is a honor student does not give me a greater right than anyone else here or anyone else charged with a Level 1 offense. They are all good kids. I just hope they, their friends and everyone else at large will learn something. The county has put themselves in a corner but they have to come down hard. Too bad it is Jake.
  3. Garland


    A neighbor of mine is one of the newly arrested but he is just a junior.
  4. Garland


    That is the most ridiculous thing I think I ever read on this board. I am shocked that an adult would even think like this and post it on a public message board - you sound like one of the kids.
  5. Garland


    I would be very surprised if he will still have a scholarship pending the outcome of this. I can't imagine the Air Force would admit him, football or not, with a felony record if this does not get pleaded down.
  6. I took the Yoga classes at Mount Tabor and the instructor is WONDERFUL! Well worth it.
  7. The only reason why I would go into KMart for any purposes was for the Martha Stewart line. Now that she is no longer in KMart, no reason for me to go.
  8. I hope Paulding County will install turn lights at that intersection also. It is awful right now without the ALDI.
  9. Friendly reminder of a great day of shopping, wonderful pancake breakfast, Santa and great local performances! I hope y'all will come out.
  10. And, not every economic plan is meant for people like me - middle class who pays bills on time, saving for kids college tuition and eeking out a life the best we can. I am between the 1% and the Occupiers.
  11. I don't see "harrassment" in two messages.
  12. Well, you were the one that started the thread about someone harrassing you. From what I have read, that was not a threat to you at all and far from harrasment. I don't know Beach Bum at all, if you must know.
  13. The annual McGarity Santa Breakfast and Craft Show, December 10 from 8:00 - 1:00, is a great chance to shop with local businesses! There will be over 40 vendors attending and almost all of them from West Georgia. Pancake breafast is from 8-11. Tickets are $4 for adults and $2 for children. Santa Claus will be in the media center to visit with the kids and pictures will be available. Local performances will begin at 9 and conclude at noon. It truly is a great local event. Please consider coming out for a great day of shopping.
  14. From what I can tell, this one has none.
  15. A great way to shop local is coming up! The McGarity Elementary Santa Breakfast and Craft Show is December 10 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. There are over 25 vendors attending and all from West Georgia! This is great way to make a difference and buy local from local crafters. I invite everyone to attend.
  16. McGarity Elementary will hold it's annual craft show on Saturday, December 10 from 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Please PM me if you are interested in the crafter application!
  17. I agree a thousand times over!!
  18. ....Just as nobod should be forced to pay for health insurance if they don't want it. Thanks for making the point!
  19. Why are you "forced" to have a driver's license?! It is a priviledge. If you want to drive, you have to have minimum coverage. If you don't like having to be FORCED, don't drive.
  20. Well, I work at Holland and Knight and didn't know how shady this firm is! (being sarcastic, of course)
  21. London fashion is much more formal, even on a basic day, than ours. That dress would not be formal enough for a ball.
  22. Any news on principal changes?
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