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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. She was probably very angry at him, Ivy! I think it was a crime of passion. Bothe of them committed a crime, for whatever reason, though!
  2. Government definitely knows better than Corporate America, G D! The only part of government that doesn't know best is the politicians in bed with the Corporate Executives.
  3. It's a case of yelling fire in a crowded theatre, or looking at a porn magazine on a bus in the presents of other passengers. CC! Yes, she holds a lot of responsibility!
  4. Button that Avatars lip, G D, and you will gain some amount of credibility, yourself! Who, or what, represents you is a branch of your network. In other words, I would fire my Avatar if it looked like it's mouth was a sulled up mules arse.
  5. Thanks Greatma! No opposition is the best, because there's no conflict. I like things to be non-antagonistic. That is the reason you can't post the Ten Commandments In The Paulding County Courthouse.
  6. Praising The Lord, is what I'm doing for you, surepip! I'm not all that confident in miracles, but you are making a believer out of me. I see that others have been inspired as well.
  7. What tickles me about this latest poll is that another one bites the dust, JYD!
  8. You like to have fun, G D! I would like to see you button that lip. That would be fun.
  9. The Baltimore Police Department plans to institute a new use-of-force policy on Friday, which requires police officers to intervene if they see another officer is using excessive force. Why has this taken so long in becoming policy? And. didn't officers already know to do this? https://news.search.yahoo.com/search;_ylt=A0SO81CQxHVXslsAcUpXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByNWU4cGh1BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=police+use+of+force&type=dd_us_yahoonews&fr=mcafee
  10. I want to go, DR, because I can pull the trigger. Heck, it's better to send me than young people. I've already lived a long time.
  11. This vest is really good for helping calm your dogs. My little Yorkies are so scared of loud noises. I just use a towel or something. Thundershirt Dog Anxiety Shirt
  12. Genetics are as complex as Einstein's theory of relativity. Even a genus can't prove the facts when a mutation can happen.
  13. She had a great philosophy, Lo! She had a Crystal Ball. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CrQJifZmFDI
  14. The joke crackers, in a case like that, cares nothing but for foolishness. I think the proof is in the DNA, and there is good DNA, but there is also bad DNA. Nobody wants bad DNA.
  15. As cloning continues to be done, on animals, scientists may find that type of result to occur, CC!
  16. Inbreeding gets a bad name by common people's belief's, instead of scientific understanding of the facts. http://www.theokaa.org/articles/inbreeding.pdf
  17. The only problem with relatives dating, is their possible offspring. The offspring from closely related individuals (like brother and sister) could get the best genes of the family, and double them, which would be good. But, the genes can also be doubled in a bad way. A person gets 50% of their genes from each parent. So, good or bad, an offspring could be doubled to the good, or doubled to the bad.
  18. I might vote for Mark Cuban, if he runs for president. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=02wfBAJ46RI
  19. Seriously Sad, CC! But, not in Texas. The two daughters would have had guns to protect themselves with.
  20. You were referring to some liberal I suppose, warn't you, G D? Of course, mrshoward doesn't meet the criteria, does she?
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