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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Hilllary is going to win, no matter what Republicans do, and she will be President for the next 8 years.
  2. Here in Cartersville GA Lo! There is actually no telling what happened in Steve McQueen's bathroom, before he died. Surely they should have had a video. They had made sure to remove all the other people from the house. Also, neighbors say their neighborhood was a peaseful one, and no diosturbances had ever been noticed there.
  3. How do they manage to have body cameras to get lost. And, how did both of their body cameras get lost at the same time. When does coincidences stop being on the side of the police. Two body cameras should have been at this scene. I'm just happy that people have cell phone cameras, now! We didn't used to have those.
  4. What I would like to be able to understand is why Mr. Sterling has been selling CD's in front of the store, for 2 years, and all of a sudden got in this much trouble. He had been a friend to the store manager all that time. The store manager saw nothing in regard to Mr. Sterling brandishing a gun. I think the person making that 911 call should face charges, if they accused Mr. Sterling of brandishing a gun, unless he felt threatened or something. I will brandish my gun is I feel threatened.
  5. Good, and very honestly produced. I couldn't have written it so clear to the facts.
  6. Alton Sterling, the Batton Ruge man who was killed by police, was a friend of the manager of the store where Mr. Sterling was shot dead. The store manager said he had sold CD's in front of his store for about 12 years, and said, he may not have understood the serivity of the situation. Mr. Sterling had a gun in his pocket, but he never reached for it. He probably had that gun for many years, in his pocked. The police took it from his pocket after he was dead at the scene. http://r.search.yahoo.com/_ylt=AwrBT_x5eH5Xwk0ASVFXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlY
  7. If I win, I'm going to fixd her, and the FBI
  8. http://50wire.com/id/16335091482 BLUE RIDGE, Ga. — Mark Thomason was arrested, handcuffed, put in the back of a police cruiser, booked, had his mugshot taken, was strip searched, made to pee in a cup in front of male witnesses, made to shower with other inmates and spent 24 hours in a jail cell. His crime? According to the rural north Georgia journalist, he simply made open records requests that made people in powerful positions angry. One of the powerful people in this case happened to be the chief judge of the Appalachian Judicial Circuit, Brenda Weaver. http://50wire.com/id/163
  9. If it had been Rachel Maddow, Roger Ailes would have been a much bigger fool.
  10. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwik6r_Cvt_NAhUHNiYKHWfpCbUQqQIIHDAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewrap.com%2Ffox-news-gretchen-carlson-roger-ailes-sexual-harassment%2F&usg=AFQjCNEFlGEJuTNrSx6ddQmu_yaxhDDt9w&sig2=yP5LglHcdzgIqY-NVRAbcw Longtime Fox News host Gretchen Carlson has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the network’s chairman and CEO Roger Ailes. The suit, filed on Wednesday in Bergen County, New Jersey, claims the “Real Story” host refused Ailes’ sexual advances and “as a direct an
  11. Losers may think that, but I am proud of my hearatige, and they are not losers. One of my best friends stood up at the Southern Baptist Convension and said some words that made me Praise The Lord, Jesus Christ, G D! He lives in Deluth, GA.
  12. Losers live in classic style, while they lose their votes into the wild. If Hillary is that big of a liar, Jamie, why is she winning. Are you saying the American people are a bunch of fool?
  13. It is possible, G D! I like it when you use that phrase.
  14. I don't mind catching Hell, G D, and you know that! I shrug Hell off like a bulit proof vest shrugs off lead. I am not a loser. If I was not a hypocrite, by your way of thinking, ABR, I would be seriously concerned about my demeaner.
  15. In a country where there are Christians, who march under a red banner with a cross on it, while they do not march under a cross with a white banner on it. The story gets confusing.
  16. I can't see the media being that bad. They report what they see, and hear. They are not blind in one eye, and can't focus out of the other eye. Calling them 50% off on their reports is like saying they are liars half the time. To delibverately lie, in a public report, as bad as half the time is not what thery do.
  17. I have a lot of respect for the Police Officers who have no biase, and will arrest another Police Officer just like they would a common citizen. I don't have any respect for Police Officers who rely on the code of silence when it comes to fellow Police Officers. I have seen this happen. There is, indeed, a code of silence between LEO's; believe it or not.
  18. I am not a loser, and I won two votes by Obama, and Now Hillary is winning. WHY Because, I am a Georgia Southern Babtist! I don't march under a banner with a cross on it; I march under a cross with a banner on it.
  19. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFriXwmoOEs
  20. At least the neighborhood is aweare of this guy being dangerous. The man killed by cops in Cartersville had a clean record as fotr as neighbors are concerned, they said that man had never arroused any dangerous suspissions in the neighborhood.
  21. Pine Valley Drive is, like Pubby said, the short dead in street where tne shooter is. http://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/source-multiple-people-shot-in-paulding-county-neighborhood/386830476
  22. What are the details, I missed the news on it. I appologize, someone just posted what I wanted to know in another post.
  23. Button your avatar's lip, G D, because it represents your credibility, on P.com. Of course, that doesn't bother youi!
  24. Any reasonable prosecuter will not bring charges against Hillary!
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