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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I am thinking about Dallas Texas being able to accomodate peaceful citizenship. http://www.cnn.com/videos/us/2016/07/11/one-dallas-protesters-come-together-nccorig.cnn/video/playlists/dallas-police-officer-shot/
  2. He took the law into his own hands, and ascted as Judge and Jury, for a death sentence. Assinated the man in his car.
  3. Officer Who Shot, Killed Suspected Car Thief Fired Killing a suspect is not giving him a fair trial. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjqxtvhvOzNAhUGKCYKHVK3CK8QqQIIHTAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpatch.com%2Fgeorgia%2Fmidtown%2Fofficer-who-shot-killed-suspected-car-thief-fired&usg=AFQjCNHGttFiPcufRY-XJq6VpWb2d9xAaw&sig2=zO9Z575bnwBGiMF31NIWwg
  4. Yes, G D! I see what you mean. But as long as all the money goes to the top, all the jobs go over seas, and all the students go to school and rack up student loan debt. for no reason, it's going to be hard for you and I to fix it. It take money, and sence, from some of the smart rich people to fix things of this nature. I don't believe it can be fixed with the same old tactics we have been using for the last three decades.
  5. Many white women raise their sons to be fine men, G D! But, many who live in trailer parks, and with redneck drunks, don't. It's a huge problem that we all need to fix.
  6. Dogs just bark for no reason, sometimes, Dogs! Yes, however, the man killed after being stopped for a broken tail light was indeed INNOCENT.
  7. Can you see the same thing I'm seeing, COWA? Some of these people are as white as I am, and some of them or almost as white as I am. I just don't see many really black people. http://www.kswo.com/story/32413518/protesters-plan-monday-night-rally-in-buckhead
  8. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=3&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjQ1cyHp-zNAhUJmR4KHfJ_CKgQqQIIITAC&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fox5atlanta.com%2Fnews%2F172810291-story&usg=AFQjCNG_-Do_2B_TKfdrWuZmpnaFpSnlPg&sig2=BI5YFENVzX4VIiCRzkOYpAhttp://bit.ly/29tpK0H http://bit.ly/29tpK0H
  9. If I'm not mistaken I see quiet a few white people protesting, in Atlanta. And, the ones who are not white have a lot of white in them. Tell me if I'm wrong.
  10. Any Cop who frears for his life should never approach a criminal, and especially an honest man. One who will tell you they have a gun. If someone is going to shoot you they are not going to tell you they have a gun. Oh, maybe that's why the Cop started shooting. He thought that was not good perenting.
  11. We know that most of the people, with money, are white people. So giving what has been given to poor people has not done white people very much damage, at all, for the past three decades. .
  12. Trickle Down Economics was the biggest lie ever told.
  13. He was reaching for either his ID or his gun. The Cop saw a gun in his amygdala, and killed the man. BTW - DR, Why ask a man for his ID, and not expect movement to retreave it? And, why would the man tell the Cop he was a licensed guin owner, and he had one. A man that doesn't warn a Cop that he has a gun may indeed get shot. Why was the man shot 4 times, at close range, with nothing in his hand? Not even his ID. https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A0LEVyVczINXTK0ARV9XNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTByMjB0aG5zBGNvbG8DYmYxBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDBHNlYwNzYw--?p=menessota+man+killed+by+police+fo
  14. The use of the word they, through me of before she got to the fact that she don't care who THEY are. Why?
  15. Why are open carry people, who have passed the test for being allowed to do that, even asked to get on the ground when a cop arrives on the scene? Have they not already gone through the appropriate testing?
  16. It's just a shananigan, COWA! Anyone, who saw the videio, can see the facts.
  17. Who are you refering to as they? There are a lot of white people in the protest.
  18. Probably nobody with the power, to stop police from murdering innocent people, is even concerned. Maybe they are only concerned about how to stop the protests.
  19. Black lives matter because two of them were just murdered by cops. And, along with that coincidence, there has been a streem of black lives taken by cops, in the last few years. Why say any other lives matter, in a situation where others lives are not being taken by cops? Has there been a noticable rash of cops killing white people? NO
  20. Any cop who is afraid to capture a criminal without murdering him, and I do mean murdering him, should not be a cop. And -> If the two cases, this latested controversy is about, are not consiodfered murder the laws in those two states needs to be changed.
  21. I know a bigot when I hear one speak, sd! Police and Firefighters are good people, for the most part. But, people who help their fellow officers cover their arse is just as bad as the evil they fight against. I don't advocate the crazy man who killed 5 cops, but I don't think it would have happened if Facebook had not streamed actual cop kllings of innocent people, which looked so bad, for the public eye to view. If cops are that afraid to capture a criminal, they need a sniper rifle, so they can sit in a tree and shoot criminals, and innocent people as well. if the innocent looks like
  22. I'm a white man, and can relate to President Obama a lot more than I can Donald Trump. Trump thinks we need to make America great again, and I don't know what the hell he is talking about. America is alread great. And. After the catastrophies of this past week has unfolded. I can relate to black people more than I can my own race. To listen to them talk it seems, to me, that they are just smarter people. Their past adversities has certanily made them wiser than the average American.
  23. You're right. There is a narrower margin of black men, in this country, than there are white men. So, if a narrower margen of men gets shot, by police, as many times as the larger margin of men, there is serious crafting of the numbers.
  24. Are all smoke divers confused, sd, or just the ones who have breathed too much smoke? It seems to me that if "1" in "100" would be 1% while "1" in "10" would be 10%, With white men out numbering black men "10" to "1" it would take a dummy of the third kind to think that 1% of the people should get shot by police as much as the other 10% of the people do.
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