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Everything posted by snikerfitz

  1. Thanks everyone. I appreciate the prayers and kind words.
  2. Thanks everyone. It has been a long hard road but in the end I am glad he passed at home and not at a hospital or nursing home. The hardest part was watching him go down and knowing it is coming soon but not knowing when.
  3. At 8:28 this morning daddy to his last heartbeats. Many of you know we had been dealing with a long hard time.
  4. Seriously???? Ya'll are arguing over this? I definitely have seen it all now.
  5. This happens everyday for people that fall through the cracks of the system. I am dealing with it right now with my mom. It is very sad that people should ever have to endure this. I was at my team meeting last night and his name was brought up. How very sad it is to hear this.
  6. I am gonna say that I hope like hell this woman is innocent as I know her personally. I know her family as well. I pray to the gods this is a false accusation cause if it isn't well we wont go there. I am still in shock...
  7. You have never watched BBC or seen what is on the public mind you tv overseas have you? LOL
  8. Thank you Doll. I question the choices I have made everyday. I know in the end I will be glad for what I have done but it really isnt fair to my children and husband. I am fortunate to have a devoted and loving husband. I have never been one to be recognized for what I have done or am doing and although it feels odd. I have always been one to give and give. I can say I would do what I am doing all over again for my husbands parents if the situation was to arrise again in the future. I do appreciate your kind words. They mean a lot to me. You offering dinner is more than I can ever ask for I do
  9. Kids saying shiit is hardly a life threatening event. I think I am more worried about the elderly that isnt getting the care they need or the kids that are getting the crap beat out of for nothing... Now thats disrespectful.
  10. The same stage mom that lets their child play a part in an after school movie about sex or drugs. Come on now if you think your child isnt hearing this your crazy. It's repeated at school in most homes, tv, radio. If anything use it as a teaching moment. I dont see the reasoning in getting all up in arms about it. Its a damn commercial. I think you and I are on the same page with this.
  11. Thanks Liz!! Unfortunately you are correct I dont get much outside help. Dad does get a nurse 10 hrs a week. 2 hrs a day 5 days. I complained and complained about his hours being cut when hospice took over but i have to realize that it is better than nothing. Hospice did put a cathader in dad this morning so that will help with the bed sheets and the laundry. Mom is now to the point she can not get up on her own or do much out of the wheelchair due to her balance being off. She keeps falling so she is pretty much wheelchair bound unless I am down there with her. After this last trip to the hos
  12. Brandi The Christmas elf has come tosave the day LMAO
  13. Yea had to come give my homegirl some backup.. Some people need to think outside the box. Nope some of the people on here never cease to amaze me. Exactly... LMAO!!!!!!!! Yup I was wondering all this time what was wrong with me.. Now I know.
  14. And yet once again this topic comes up. There have been many many serial killers that dont have a tattoo on them. I know when I got mine it wasnt a cry out for attention. I enjoy them I enjoy looking at them. As far as the mental issues you are pinning on tattooed folks that is assinine. WHO doesnt have some type of mental issue these days? seriously? But once again every one is entitled to thier own opinions. But opinions are like assholes everybody has one and they all STINK! You go Girl! In whos opinion? As opposed to what? So your saying cause my husband has
  15. I voted hell yes.. And here is why.. Do you know that girls as young as 10 if not younger can get breast cancer? Most people don't. Why is America so private in the sexuality aspect of things. Teenagers are going to do no different than what grown men do when they first read it and hell most grown women. People we all have the same thing and Billy Joe knows that Bobby Joe has the same thing as him so why be so reserved about it. Loosen up. Children need to learn about these types of things and obviously at a younger age than most people thought. Its fubar to hide shiit from your kids cause of
  16. You sharin my love again? I havent gotten much love from you lately. I see you given it to everyone else. You hate me now. >insertpoutylip<
  17. <hijack> How are ya Airy hunny I've missed you..
  18. I was trying to make a point...
  19. Well I upgraded to IE8 last night I guess thats why I'm not having issues.. I have pretty much stopped replying to things. I come over here every now andthen.
  20. Yea my son said earlier we had to wait till the 15th of Nov to blast Christmas music I said hell its starting tonight!!! (secretly we have been listening anyways) but shhhhh thats top secret.
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