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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. That was rude. :angry:


    Lesley - it looks like you've picked up another stalker. :rolleyes:




    it was sarcastic...ask leslie to explain it to ya




    edited to add that i do realize sarcasm can also be rude....lesley cant explain that one though

  2. It's Lesley, and PUBBY (the owner of the site) knows that damn well.


    He just changed my name and misspelled it on purpose because he was threatened by my using the name "the queen"








    it does sound different when spelled different....threw me for a minute

  3. i know a couple of people from iran....they are great folks...they say the populous of iran likes america and americans...but the iranian govt hates us


    we represent what they fear most...loss of govt rule over every action an iranian takes...ya know freedom



    edited to add that the iranians i know attest that the current iranian president was absolutely part of the hostage ordeal..and a dangerous nutcase....we will have to deal with him one day...mark it

  4. I have been several times taking stuff for twinsister (carpet etc) and it was $10.00 for my truck load. If they do stop I would love to know before taking anything else there.


    Twinsister's daughter and I had a bad experience st the Cobb County dump. They directed us into a building with all kinds of smelly stuff. We were thowing out stuff from the back of the truck when a garbage truck was dumping out it's load. It almost landed on my niece. The spray from whatever turned to liquid in it went all over her and my truck.


    I like the Paulding County dump better. The most I have seen is two other trucks dumping things.



    just be careful...they dump some horrible things there..or used to...carcasses and such..unspeakables...seen it a few times when i wasnt expecting it

  5. I wanted to ask my PCOM community to please remember my ex-MIL in your prayers.


    She is in Kennestone Hospital in the CCU unit. She was in Paulding week before last, and this past week they moved her to Kennestone. She was on life support to give her lungs a rest, they took her off of it Friday morning. She was doing better, until last night. One of her lungs collasped, and she has set up a staff infection. She is only 59 years old. (This is my daughters grandmother) Please remember her and the family in your prayers. Thanks!! :wub:




    you are a good person for thinking this way of others...i wish her and you the best

  6. 1968


    Lyndon B. Johnson is president of the Us


    North Koreans seize USS Pueblo and 83 man crew in the Sea of Japan


    Communist troops attack Saigon and 30 province capitals in the "Tet Offensive"


    Martin Luther King is assassinated in Memphis, TN


    Senator Robert F. Kennedy is shot in California after celebrating presidential primary victories


    American troops destroy a town in South Vietnam in the "My Lai Massacre"


    Peggy Fleming wins Olympics figure skating gold medal


    The United States Congress repeals the requirement for a gold reserve to back US currency


    Student protesters at Columbia University in New York City take over administration buildings and shut down the university


    LL Cool J, Lisa Marie Presley, Jeri Ryan, Lucy Lawless, Celine Dion, Traci Lords, Tony Hawk, Kylie Minogue, and py4exsway are born


    Detroit Tigers win the World Series


    Green Bay Packers win Superbowl II


    Montreal Canadians win the Stanley Cup


    2001: A Space Odyssey and Planet of the Apes are the top grossing movies


    The rock musical Hair opens on Broadway


    The Beatles' White Album and Simon and Garfunkel's Bookends are released


    Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In, debuts on NBC


    and my parents had sex in march of this year

  7. We made rounds to my mom's and then my dad's for trash, took it with our dump truck and it was only $17. That sucker was full!!!




    we can go 1000 lbs in a couple of days...maybe a week

  8. As I mentioned in another thread, my Dad was a Marine. We had a "chart" of violations vs. punishment and we knew EXACTLY what would happen if we did this or that, or how many times. We didn't have cell phones or the internet then, but still, TV, car, and phone bans were enough.


    My brother has two daugthers. When they were 8 and 10 they were total hell one year. He told them in October that if they did anything bad ONE more time, there would be NO Christmas that year. Two days later of course they did something. One week before Christmas, no tree. Days before, no tree. Christmas Eve.. no tree. They ran downstairs Christmas morning thinking it was "last minute" and a bluff. No tree. No gifts. They freaked, ran upstairs crying and he kept saying all day, "What Christmas? You were told - Santa put you on his black ball list - he's not coming". All I can tell you is that after that day, those kids were COMPLETELY different kids (better) for years. Yes - years. One of them acted up when she was 16 and when she got her license (sneaking out one night to go to a party and she drank). He took her license and burned it, and sold her car the next day. She wasn't driving again until she moved out at 19. Yes, really.


    Guess what? The four of us that were raised by "mean ass Marine" are now 40, 52, 52 (twins), and 53. None of the four of us smoke, drink, have ever used drugs, and none of us have ever been in trouble with the law. My two nieces are now 23 and 25, and neither of them smoke, drink, or use drugs, or again, have ever been in trouble with the law.


    There is something to be said for what some today may call "harsh" punishment and actually following through with it, but by doing so, you're shaping your kid's adult lives, and shaping their kids as well to be better people. Don't short change them. Lay it on, and FOLLOW THROUGH.



    lol love it...my son just worked his way off of a five month grounding...battle of wills...guess who won?


    he forgot how to use the tv...and martha stewart has nothing on his housekeeping skills

  9. Well, first, I don't think 95% of 16 year olds today are mature enough to drive. I challenge any parent to park on the side of the road 1/2 mile away from any high school when it lets out for the day. I promise you, you'll see most of the kids speeding, tailgating, and talking on cell phones at the same time. This isn't directed specifically to super girl as I don't know the circumstancs, but I see tons of kids in my area being allowed by their parents to get their licenses the very moment they turn 16. It's not an ipod - it's a 2+ ton piece of metal that rolls fast around bunches of other pieces of metal that roll fast.


    That being said, the punishment for lying:


    1st violation: Keys and license locked up for a week.


    2nd violation: Keys and license locked up for 30 days / no computer / no cell phone use.


    3rd violation: No car, no computer, and no cell phone for 6 months. PERIOD.


    4th (if the kid is THAT dumb): Car is sold. Computer is moved to the common area. Cell phone is replaced by one of those emergency only kiddie cells that only have 3 buttons for the parents and 911.


    5th violation: Drop the kid off on Stewart Avenue in Atlanta and have another one and start over - something is seriously defective with this one.



    i like your answer


    do you have to have an exact address or will mapquest just show stewart avenue?



    my answer to the lying thing would be about the same as the above....and i do like the predefined guidelines for future indiscretion's...leaves no room for interpretation/argument after the fact

  10. b...when I read the title of this thread, I thought the guy I was arguing with on here the other day whose race car # is 7 had been arrested and they'd given him a release date! :lol: (No, seriously :blush: :huh: )




    i thought the mule the old guy used to run around with on "grizzly adams" has been incarcerated in the animal pokey and was due for release



    harry potter is out in book form?


    witchcraft i tell ya...witchcraft will take your children and make em satan followers....lil minions of evil

  11. I am glad the kids had to apologize- That's a start. They'd Probaby have to make my bond for child abuse while they were at it ... :blush: lol

    How awful it must feel to get the call those kid's Moms got /.




    i just hope the kids understood what they could have caused...not just apologize cause they got caught and had to


    I am glad the kids had to apologize- That's a start. They'd Probaby have to make my bond for child abuse while they were at it ... :blush: lol

    How awful it must feel to get the call those kid's Moms got /.

    LOL- Mebbe not but we'll see.... I AM awful nosy .




    keep us in mind...we will have a newsletter on her whereabouts and doings in march


    she gets around

  12. Thank makes sense and is freaky and THANKS on the fyi thing. I live out in that area and it is easy to speed especially on Buchanan Hwy. There have been a few times I've looked and noticed I was going 75+ ack! Its good to know that they are keeping an eye out :)

    dammit 2 people...sheesh.....well dang! Y'all don't go tellin no one else ya hear? ahahahaha

    I'm afraid I'd be forced to kick my kids ass right there in public




    ummm i already started the stalk jess club


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