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Posts posted by py4exsway

  1. not dangerous?



    it is a feces throwing monkey at the beach


    it could cause all kinds of mischief


    but i would bid on watching the feces throwing monkey in action before i would bid on the virginity for sale prost um whor um skan um girl

  2. man..i dont know how to feel on this one...i think i lost my virginity to a virgin and it only cost me maybe a piece of pizza at six flags and a little conversation about how cool def leppard was..so $2.50 max...



    and maybe i was with one more virgin since then...hmmm


    saved roughly $7.4 million at this girls rate..if i was the doc that verified her virginity i would charge her 99% of the total winning bid..cause thats gonna be the real work


    and really yall who wants to be with a virgin...as i recall they didnt know their ass from their bank account...and this girl already associates the two too closely

  3. sheesh...good dog..gas stove in my house..love to cook on it but still makes me nervous..a couple of times ive turned down the heat from high to simmer low and in that adjust the flame would go out..caught it just cause i was lucky and had a feeling..


    glad you got to live through it

    again good dog

  4. sorry to hear of this....never been in exact situation myself but have been in similar....always knew that it was up to me to change my life, but i used and abused family until they refused to let me anymore...there is of course an age of accountability that most folks pass..the time when no others can be held to blame for ones actions now based on the harms of the past...24 is way past that time ...so....until she wants real change no one can help her....and i did notice the let them in at 5 and out at 9 coincidentally the same times most of the world works....



    wishing the best for you and her

  5. I love our parade for several reasons - it is so neat to be a part of a large group of people work together to make it happen, it gives people in our community a "sense of community" and gives them the opportunity to share a wonderful event together, it gives the kids (and adults) participating in the parade fond memories, it delights and amazes the young children, and most importantly, it benefits a great cause. I also love it because it gives me a chance to see people I haven't seen in a while. For people like me and my husband that work outside Paulding County, the parade and events such as this are sometimes the only times we get to see a lot of people from this area that we are fond of.




    dont forget the burnouts and candy

  6. Uh, I've never lived near the ocean, but I comprehend the theory of undertow. They showed the place on the news the other night, and I guaran-damn-TEE you that if he had tried to save her, he'd be dead, too.


    I'm as cynical as they come, but I believe this terribly tragic story.




    yep...agree...the oregon seashore aint known for its beautiful beaches....more like big boulders, bad weather, and coast guard rescues



    but stranger things have happened i suppose

  7. didnt make this one but have fond memories of participating in the one a few years back when it snowed lightly and we helped out with the humane society float...we got 1st place even in some category...



    think the parade is a great thing.


    oh and if you have kids that are getting too close to the road for comfort ive always found that my HANDS and a CMERE work really well at keeping them inflated instead of smushed

  8. RE: Hot Rods


    At the Forsyth County 4th of July Parade several years ago, they had a guy in a souped up car and he was showing off....he lost control veered into the old old refinished fire truck (wooden) and then ran over the curb which happened to have adults/kids standing/sitting there. One person received a broken leg.




    all i got was candy

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