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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. Congratulations, Your score is 7 out of 15


    "You did ok but your not a redneck. You probably visited the south a few times but obviously managed to escape without the words y'all and fixin' ta being added perminantly to your vocabulary."

  2. 61S at Scoggins to Piedmont & Monroe.

    Keeps getting worse and worse - especially now that I leave at 5:30 - used to get off at 4:30 and it was a little better.


    And last Friday - HELLO! Was ready to kill someone - 2 hours!!!!

  3. Wow - what a load for you to carry! Stay strong and you will get through this.


    I have some stuff in my garage that didn't sell from a garage sale I had last year -if you want it I can bring it to you. Just let me know!


    Good luck to you!

  4. The Illustrator in Dallas GA...  I loved the work but I wouldn't recomment Randy, dude has a major attitude problem.


    We scheduled 2 appointments with him and when we got there(early by the way)  he ditched us to another artist..


    Really? My hubby has gotten several by him and loves him!

  5. I agree completely, there are times when lending the helping hand is necessary.... the guy on the other side of me who maintains his yard very well found out he had lung cancer and I cut his yard while he was in the hospital....  I on the other hand feel absolutely no need to mow someones yard who has healthy teens playing ball in the yard everyday and one of them OWNS a landscaping company with lawnmowers that probably cost more than my car! :lol:


    Oh I agree completely - this year the wife has passed and the husband is in a home. His son is apparently taking care of the house - we'll see what happens - course last year he NEVER came over and did their yard!

  6. My story..


    Last year our neighbors - who are elderly - weren't mowing thier lawn - got pretty high - then we found out the wife had cancer and the hubby couldn't get around that well. So my hubby and I talked back and forth - trying to decide if we should go ask if we could mow it or just do it - didn't want to overstep any boundaries.


    Finally - we just did it one day - if they come out and yell at us, oh well.


    Well, she came out about half an hour after we started - crying- she was so upset she couldn't take care of her yard anymore, and so thankful for what we were doing.


    Needless to say I never felt better - and we continued to take care of their lawn for the rest of the season.

  7. That's fine, and it wasn't directed at you specifically.  I had a couple of requests that seemed sincere, so I added them, but they did strike me as a little odd...so, I'm just erring on the side of caution. ;)


    Oh I know - just didn't want to upset the Queen! Have to keep on her good side! B)


    Well ladies - 5 am comes too early for me - so I'm outta here! Have a good night!

  8. No, but I have a few newbies who've not posted or intro'd themselves since joining.  Trust me, someone steps out of line over there, and "poof" they're gone! :angry:


    It's good to be queen. :D


    LOl - Bowing to the queen!


    Well I've joined - but not introduced myself yet - promise I'll do it tomorrow at work - when I'm supposed to be working! HA!

  9. I'm on..........and it's MUCH better than watching that bunch of self-consumed, high falootin' load of do-nuthin's prance around and try 'n act like SOMEBODY!


    Wow........I feel better now...........cathartic at best.


    Lol - tell us how you really feel! :lol:

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