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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. My husband and I live in Victoria Cove and I am sure by now you all have read about the problems in our subdivision.  We have been talking for sometime about getting an outside dog.  We thought considering all of the break ins that now would as good of a time as any, and besides my kids have been begging for another dog that they can play with ( we have a house dog that is very old and sleeps most of the time so she's not much fun).


    This is our problem.  He has found a rottie at the animal shelter that he would like to get, but I am little uneasy about a rottie.  He assures me that rotties are generally good natured. The ones that have become overly aggressive stems from being chained, mistreated or abused and have given all rotties a bad reputation.


    We are a very pro animal family so the dog would be treated better than some people treat their children.  We have 5 year old twins that have been taught their whole life how to treat animals. We also have a large fence yard so it would have room to run and not be chained. 


    Need outside opinions.    By the way, just because this is a dispute it is okay to side with hubby.


    How old is the dog? I have a rott that is great with children - but I raised him from a pup. They are great dogs- but it really depends on how he was raised/termpermant.

  2. I'm sorry katied... that's rough. I used to get some migraines with nausea, but never lost my vision. Did you experience loss of vision with yours, also?


    I've had a bout of them the past year.


    When you say he lost his vision - was it gone or was it due to the "aura"

    I know when I start to get them I have aura's and I can't see out of the eye that's experiencing them.

    Did they do a MRI?

  3. *****Spoiler******

    There have been confirmed pictures of the filming of an upcoming scene involving a hot air balloon.  This would confirm Henry Gale's story and prove that he is not an "other".  However, I personally feel that the producers intentionally let this leak and to mislead the audience to think this.  I think that it is some sort of supply balloon for the "others" and the Henry Gale is indeed one of them.


    Up until the end of the show last night I thought he may not be an other. But after he said that to Locke last night - no doubt now - he's playing with Locke.

  4. I watched as I do every Wednesday.  I was quite pleased with the episode.  I thought this was one of the best episodes in the spirit of letting the viewer find out enought to whet their appetites but still left us hanging enough to keep watching.


    My biggest question is why did they take adults from the "tailies"?  Was there something special about them...they seem mostly interested in children.  I wonder if it has something to do with "purity" or the "V" word.


    They also answered the question as to why the "others" did not take any of the original(season 1) camp but did take the tailies.  Ethan was to infiltrate as Goodwin did the tailies and make a list.  The manifest that Hurley checked probably saved some from being taken but made it harder to get Claire's baby and Walt.


    I agree - very interesting.

    It did answer the question of why they didn't take any of the original camp - but also left us with more questions. What did they inject Claire's baby with? And are we to assume that is Alex who helped her escape? And if it is -why hasn't she escaped herself?

  5. OMG........I'm soo sorry.........you mean to tell me it doesn't get any better??


    My 7 year old acts this way, although she is forced to do chores and clean her room.........and I refuse for her to yell at me or anybody else......but she thinks everything is owed to her......


    Again, I'm sorry!! :(


    It get's better at about...um...well...I don't know yet - my 20 year old has calmed down some - but some times she acts like she's still a 16 year old drama queen!


    Good luck ladies!!!

  6. Congratulations!  There is nothing like it. We were grandparents at 40.  She is now a Junior at Kennesaw!  They grow up so fast.  Enjoy them while they are young. 

    So happy for you.


    Thank you - I am very excited - and it's amazing how fast they grow - I just can't wait!!!

  7. I am going to be a GRAMMY!!!!!!!!


    Whohoo! I'm so excited I can't stand it!!!!!!

    But - I am not old enough to be a grandmother!


    Altho I'm very excited about having a new baby in the family - they are so young to be starting their family. I had hoped for another 5 years before this - I know it will be touch on them.


    But then again - both me and hubby are here and willing to help with anything we can! And after the past couple of years we've had in this family - it's time for some new life!!! :excl: :excl:

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