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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. SG, It really isn't a problem. The worst part is when they stick @ 25 electrodes to your head, and a couple on your legs. You are wired up big time. It is a VERY comfy bed and a nice room. They will have you try to fall asleep @ 10, then wake you up about every 2 hours. Half way through they might slip a CPAP on you.


    It really isn't bad, and if it helps you breathe at night, it is worth it.




    Yep - the electrodes are the worst - I asked him, as he was wiring me up, if anyone actually sleeps with all this stuff on them! He told me, as long as we can get 2 - 3 hours of sleep they're happy!


    Was quite funny tho - felt like medusa walking back to my room!

  2. Does anyone know where I can find a cheap mattress? Looking for a full or queen for my daughter - moving into new apartment - but I don't want to pay a lot - haha.


    Anyways - anyone know of somewhere?

  3. Matthew 7:7-8

        "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.



    Proverbs 3:5-6

          "Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."


    Opening myself up here for ridicule....I was raised a Christian - always believed. However, as I have posted recently - I am having a problem spiritually and am questioning those beliefs. I know I am supposed to "trust" and all...but my doubting/questions come from what has happend, not to me, but to my mother who has been a devout Episcopalian her entire life. Trusts in the Lord, does not question ect. Is a "good" women, gives of her self unselfishly, helps many people, yet asks nothing in return for herself.


    Three years ago, at the prime of her life, she lost her brother, her mother, and her husband - all within a year. My grandmother, who dies of breast cancer, and my father, who died of melanoma, died within 2 months of each other.


    Now I ask you, as I've asked God many times - Why? Why did a woman who trusted in God, loose everything like that? What "path" has he chosen for her? To suffer like that? To strengthen her faith? To "trust" in the Lord?


    I simply don't believe a "loving" and caring God would do that. And that is why I am questioning now.

  4. First, I would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has made positive comments regarding me. :blush:  And, I would feel honored to work with such enlightened parents!



    I'm sure many parents have felt honored and grateful to have you teaching their child - I know I would have cherished it!


    I know teachers have the toughest job out there - and it's so refreshing and gratifying to find good ones!

  5. I do believe that any human can detect hatefulness. AND, I do believe there's a big difference between being hateful and being frustrated. There are so many people in this world who don't deserve to be parents and I feel for those children. I'm not saying that hating children is OK. I'm just defending the good parents who don't deserve to have DFACS called on them for disciplining their children and not letting them run all over them in public -- which is where the kids try your patience the most.


    But why is everyone jumping to the conclusion and getting all defensive about DFACS? She said nothing about getting involved or notifying anyone - yet everyone on here is crucifying her for "sticking her nose in" your business - All she did was give HER opinion!

  6. Like I said before, nevermind...

    This thread has been a real eye opener for me...


    Nevermind that I have cried many times over the past 2 weeks over what I saw...

    Nevermind that I know what it is like to care for 10 toddlers - 8/9 hours a day...

    Nevermind that the look on that 3 yr old boy's face is something I will never forget...


    Never mind that I have hoped, prayed, begged, and pleaded for over 10 years to become a Mom...

    I vow that I will never speak to ANY child in this manner, let alone my own child...

    And it does not matter if the child is "yours"...


    If any person spoke to your child in this manner,

    I suspect that person would be murdered on the spot,

    why is it okay for the Mom to do this ???


    I'm so sorry you've had to deal with that and the responses you've gotten on this board. No wonder people are afraid to voice their "opinions"

    I've seen the same thing many times - and there is a differnece between being frustrated and being hateful.

    Frustrated I can understand - been there, done that.

    Hatefullness I can't - you're dealing with a child - a small person who loves you completely, looks to you for everything.

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