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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. I'm trying to keep my chin up.


    I'm hoping this time God opens the garage door instead of just a window. :)


    I'll keep you posted.


    Thanks for the support.

    What a fantastic saying. I had not heard that before. I know we can make it. It's just wow what timing.


    I can relate - believe me - a week before my daughters wedding my husband got laid off - this was just a little over a month ago.


    Thankfully - he found a job in three weeks and everything worked out as I'm sure it will with you!

  2. Good for you for speaking up.

    As a mother of a biracial child nothing infuriates me more than that kind of behavior.

    These kids think they can throw the word around with no consequences and they think it makes them cool.

    Yea, throw them in an inner city and see what happens when they talk like that.

  3. I think Libby is an "other". Discuss...


    Hmmm....you think so? Have they ever shown her on the plane? She does seem a bit evil.


    What makes you think that?

  4. Note - in previews for next week they showed Michael locked in the vault with a sling on his arm. Somebody may figure him out... :o


    I know I would wonder why the girls were shot dead, but he only was shot in the arm - if you were trying to escape wouldn't you make sure the only other male was taken care of first? But then again, this is Lost!

  5. A fireman is running to get a net under a lady who looks like she might jump off the balcony of her 20 story apartment building. There is nothing below her except a 20 story fall. The fireman is still 100 yards away when she falls and can't nearly get there in time. The woman is not hurt more than a bruise. How is that possible?


    She's on the first floor?

  6. I am betting it is either one of two the things the marijauna, or the other is the bullet, the cop was shot with. Any other speculations?


    It may be the marijuana - but it's not the bullet - he was laughing/sick before he got shot when he was chasing the criminal.


    I thought it was something with the Pigeon when Foreman was searching his house....but the just ruled that out!


    So I have no idea what it is.

  7. Just had to show you my beautiful daughter as a bride....I can't belive she's old enought to get married!!!


    Well Phooey - it won't let me add it - tells me it's too big! And guess who doesn't know how to make it smaller???? ME!

  8. I dont know if I've told this one. It's the only one I have (for now :lol: )

    Molly, Chris and I were in Micro Center looking at computers. I had Molly in the front part of the buggy, and Chris had walked off to look at one, and the salesman took that opportunity to walk over to me and ask if there was anything he could do for me.


    At that very moment, Molly honked my chest and screamed "BOOOBIEEES!!!" at the top of her lungs. I didn't flinch, but smiled and said, "no, there's no help for me" - and he turned 18 shades of red and ran away. :lol:




    ROFLMAO!!! Too funny!

    You poor thing!

  9. Good morning all!


    Hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend!


    Regarding the restrooms/door handles - have you seen the new handles - they're above the door handle and you put your forearm in it to pull - so you don't have to use your hands!


    I haven't seen any like this! What restaurants have you seen them at?


    I know they have one at Golden Corral in Kennesaw - can't remember where else I've seen them.

  10. Good morning all!


    Hope everyone has a happy and safe weekend!


    Regarding the restrooms/door handles - have you seen the new handles - they're above the door handle and you put your forearm in it to pull - so you don't have to use your hands!

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