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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. The couple that live there are older, thier grandchildren live with them. She said she heard a noise in the attic and smelled smoke. She got both children out and her dogs, but she couldnt get her birds out.

    I heard hollering and a small explosion seen the flames and called 911, it seemed to take a long time for the fire dept to get here.


    Oh Goodness! Which house? I used to live on Bluebird Drive!

  2. Several suggestions:


    Since ezcema is aggravated by stress, take a good B complex vitamin. B vitamins help your body deal with stress. Take a good vitamin C as well, something in the area of 500 mg a day. I use Nature Made chewable vitamin C and it actually tastes good. I also take just the Kroger brand of Vitamin B complex. It helps my body deal with the stress that comes for me this time of year. This time of year is a double whammy for me--stress from tax season and the dryness from heat.


    Also, make sure you drink plenty of water to hydrate your skin from the inside. No substituting colas for the water. Avoid the colas at all if possible. Bad for the teeth, your weight and your skin.


    Switch to a detergent such as All Free and Clear or Purex Free. If you use a fabric softener, make it a liquid you add to the washer and not a sheet you toss in the dryer. Use a good quality brand, at about half strength. I use Downy. I have tried others but they really aggravate my skin problems.


    Use a humidifier, particularly at night. You need to hydrate your skin from the inside and the outside.


    Stop taking HOT showers or baths and stop taking one every day. Of course, this is a lot easier to do in the winter.


    Use lotion on your skin after a shower. I use ...and I can't remember the exact name of it, but it is by Olay and it is for use in the shower. Moisturinse, I think the name of it. It is generally with the body washes and soaps. Another good lotion to use is the Eucerin anti-itch spray. It isn't cheap but it is good. It works the best of anything for curbing the itch. At least, in my opinion it does. Also, use a real mild soap and an antibacterial if possible. Lever 2000 antibacterial was what my dermatologist told me to use but I can't find it any more. Softsoap makes some good ones, though.


    Also, I found that when my ezcema got really, really bad that a good 7-10 course of antibiotics would do wonders. My dermatologist put me on Bactrim and it stopped the cycle of itch, scratch, infection, itch, scratch, infection. I only use it as a last resort, though.


    Also, switch to wearing cotton socks such as athletic socks. Nylon tends to aggravate skin problems no matter what kind of skin problem it is.


    I can certainly sympathetize with you. I've fought ezcema since the early 1990s and only in the last year have I truly gotten it under control. I still have it, but at least now I don't bleed all over the backs of my shirts.


    Excellent advise - my daughter has dealt with it since she was small - she's 21 now.

    Flared back up about 3 months ago - and none of the normal things we do worked - so she went to a new dermatologist and he's now treating her with UV Phototherapy. First I've heard of it - went for her first session on Friday then goes 3 times a week for 4 weeks - so we'll see what happens!

  3. Are you a bigtime clutz ? Ever hurt yourself doing something stupid ?


    Yep! Twice in the last year...


    Don't know if you remember when I fell in the shower and dislocated my finger! Ouch!


    And before that - went to the gym, went to get on the treadmill and find myself falling! Of course in front of a full gym! Why did I fall? The darn thing was running!!!!!!

  4. Will it EVER end?? When will we "agree to disagree". No one is going to transform anyone! Who cares that Lesley got the 1 millionth post. Just as Momof3Ibe said, everyone here contributed to it! Who cares that all of Lesley's friends "back" her when people start attacking. I know that my friends would do the same for me and I would venture to say that you all feel the same way too because no one ever wants to be left alone with no backing. If you're feeling bullied, I hate it. I've been there a time or two myself, but we dealt with it and I got over it. We will not always agree and we probably won't ever understand why people do what they do. This isn't a community of people who believe the same, have the same ideals, or the same sense of humor. We are all different and that's what could make this a great place. I understand that there has been a lot of negativity, I have seen it and felt it. But until we all stop feeding into each other, it will remain the same. Make a change in yourself and watch how quickly others' change. If there's no one to fight with, the fighting will stop. :)


    Excellent post.

  5. I can imagine how you feel... :angry:


    This exact same thing happened to my cat 10 years ago in Cherokee county...

    Someone shot her with a 22 in the woods behind my house, blew through her chest & shoulder...


    She has been living with 3 legs ever since then... :( :( :(


    My Baby...


    Ahh...poor thing!


    I'll have to post a pic of him tomorrow in his bright orange bandage - Good Lord he sure makes a good target now! :wacko:

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