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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. I am so excited!  Just got back from my doctor with CPAP machine in hand!!!


    For those who care...My sleep test showed that in 1 hour my brain woke up 147 times!!  I'm not sure how many times I stopped breathing.  But in 2 hours I only got 3 minutes of RIM sleep!!


    Once I got the machine on 80% of my sleep was in RIM and my brain only woke up 3 times in 4.5 hours!!!  147 times per hour vs. 3 times in 4.5 hours!!!


    I'm sleeping good tonight!!!!!!!!!!!! :D


    Congrats! you will be amazed at how much better you feel!

  2. OMG!  What a horrible morning......  I have broken several of my fingers, not a fun thing...Hope you start feeling better soon!


    Thanks - can't really feel anything right now - still numb. But she said it will be painful once that wears off!!!

  3. Finished my shower...was drying off - and my foot slipped off and I FELL in the tub!!!! What a clutz!!!! As I'm lying there in the tub I notice my ring finger is pointed sideways and hurts like hell! So I wrench it back - screaming in pain - but can't get it to go all the way back. Ok, calm down - put your clothes on and go to the ER I tell myself...trying not to loose it cuz it hurts soo much. Try to get my ring off - yea right, that's not budging. OK, get to the er, bright and early, no one else there. Get right in, and it takes 3 nurses to get stupid ring off - and the whole time i'm crying like a baby because of the pressure theyre putting on my finger!!!


    Anyways, my finger was dislocated - she numbed me up and put it back in place. Still can't feel anything becuase it's still numb.


    So that was my morning!! How was yours?


    Oh, btw - do you know how hard it is to type with a splint on your hand????? :wacko:

  4. Ok, I have to say this.  I know that I'm about to say things I shouldn't say...but Fluffy inspired me.  I'm a paid member on both sites.  I adore Pubby, he's such a sweetheart and he had a dream, to bring the community together.  I have felt lately that I can't post, everyone takes everything personally and then they go in attack mode.  I think that Pubby, your dream has been very wonderful, I think the world of what you have done.  I hate the fact that everything is blown out of proportion and made to be something ugly.  There's no need for that.  Life should be fun, not judgemental and ugly.  Life is what we have.  It's what is given to us, let's enjoy and be friends and let the things that are ugly in our life go.  People, just relax and enjoy a website that allows you to find out community events...enjoy and relax and find something that entertains you.  I personally don't want to be attacked because I am a member of two websites.  If you don't like one...oh well, get over it.  You don't have to visit that website.  Period.  If you don't like the other..oh well...don't visit that one either.  Please...just stop the attacks and the personal vendettas.  Life is too short.  Pubby, you are wonderful...you had a dream, you have a dream and it is something that is incredibly awesome...for everyone else...please just stop the bickering and arguing...it's what it is and that's it.  And I'm still going to be around on both websites...so if that bothers anyone I apologize.  But it's my priviledge.  And Pubby, my offer still stands and always will, if you need anything...I'm always around to help out. 



    Excellent Post

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