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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. When my cousin was young she would call me and my sister bibbi and da - because couldn't pronounce our names - Libbi and Gilda - and when she talked fast it was bibbida! :p

  2. Is there anyone out there that performs the never ending task of picture organization?  I have shoe box fulls of photos (new and old) and I never seem to get started putting them in albums.  I know that someone out there must enjoy and profit from this. If you know of anyone, send me some info. please!  Hopefully it's not to darned expensive, but I need help!! :wacko: Evertime I develop another roll, they get looked at and admired, and then put in another box....  I'm not looking for scrapbooking, just organization.  HHHEEELLLPPP. Thanks! :D


    LOL - sounds like me. I have a HUGE tupperwear like tub full of pictures. And I keep saying I'm going to organize my pics - do ya think it's happened????

  3. bibbida, i know how to knit, have been knitting since i was eight.  i just don't know if i would be a good teacher or not.  i may not be by the book.  i know that once someone tried to get a craft group together but i don't think it happened.  at this point too, i don't know when i could find the time.


    maybe i could teach you the basic techniques like cast on, knit and purl if that would be enough to get you started.


    me  :)


    Lol - that's the thing - I couldn't even get started - my hands and fingers were going everywhere and not doing anything!


    Well, if anyone one is interested I would love to do it - anyone else out there?

  4. That is adorable, but it is knitting - haven't tried that yet.  If only I could find the same in crochet....


    Speaking of knitting and crocheting - i taught myself crochet - but still have plenty of questions, and would love to learn to knit - tried to do it myself and ended up having a fit and throwing it.


    Anyways - is there someone who knows and would like to teach me and others who want to learn?

  5. Is 20 today!


    Where has the time gone?????


    As much as I love the person she's grown to be - sometimes I wish I could go back to when she was young!


    So if anyone goes to JimnNicks today - tell the adorable waitress Happy Birthday!

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