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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. hmmmmm wanna build a potato gun? nock his dang windows out and take it apart in three easy steps. never prove ya did it either.. :lol: :lol: :lol:


    LOL - I like the way you think!!!!


    I will admit to dusting the behinds of a few stray dogs with a 410. But we raise cattle, and have to look out for the little tiny guys that the dogs try to corner. I would never shoot to kill, only intimidate, and only when protecting the calves.


    And I completely understand that - but in this case, there were no cattle, and he didn't shoot him in the behind - he shot him in the chest.

  2. I am so sorry to hear this. I hope the best for your dog and it sounds like he'll be ok. It makes me pretty mad to hear about some idiot moron shooting your dog. I have no use for lowlife people... What goes around comes around...


    Thanks for all the good wishes everyone!


    I know - I was so pissed yesterday after we got back from the vet I almost went over and clubbed him!

    The police and animal control know who did it - but of course can't prove it because no one saw him.



  3. Someone actually shot my dog.


    Yes, he got loose - we live on an acre surrounded by woods. My fault - I take the blame.


    He's a six month old Aussie - very scary I'm sure!


    But to shoot a dog? Call Animal Control, shoo him off your property. No, instead we shoot him in the chest with a 22.


    Unfriekin believable.


    But he was very lucky - went in and out under his shoulder - didn't penetrate the chest wall or hit any bone. So he's home now - confined to his kennel for two weeks.


    I hate people sometimes.

  4. Grandparents may not always be happy with your decision but they will get over it. A new grandbaby is a very addictive drug. We just can't seem to get enough. However, we do respect the decisions our kids make to start their own traditions.


    What's not to love. Our little addiction. 4 months old today.






    Congratulations! He's beautiful!


    Mine will turn 5 weeks old on Wednesday. And you are so right - we can't get enough of him!

  5. I don't see anything wrong with it - especially with a new baby.


    My daughter just had my first grandbaby - and everyone is coming here for Christmas - there is no way I'm traveling 8 hours with a newborn.


    Besides that - it's way too much stuff to pack.


    I'm sure you're parents will understand - and maybe even come to your house to join your new tradition!


    Good luck!

  6. :lol: you just summed up my experience in NY too... Though I went in February, the snow was cold, I was sick, and it was too miserable to enjoy. People are obnoxious, I walk WAY too slow for any of them, and never felt safe.

    Though if I ever get to go back to Chicago, I'll be happy. :wub:


    welcome home, tbar.



    wow - are we the same person?


    We went to NY in January - unbelievably cold - and I'm from Michigan!

    Loved Chicago - my daughter went to college there for a year and I loved going up for visits!

  7. I have to say that this was almost dead on.......... the only thing that I would disagree with was the blurb attached to the car, guess I picked the wrong color for that!


    Yep - I would have to agree - dead on! Neat!

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