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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. Yup, still a Womens Forum. I'd give you the password, but I you have to get it from a mod. I think they need some new (additional, not replacement) mods, because alot of ladies complain that they don't answer mail.


    Really? I got mine the same day.

  2. I believe chapter 7 is the one you do not have to pay back, some bankruptcy's you have to pay back, so be careful of the one you choose,.


    I believe it also depends on how much you make - if you're over the states set limit you have to file chapter 13.

  3. I don't know what kind of work you do but my husband and youngest son (19) work all day long without air conditioning. For the past 3 days they DRAG home take a cool shower, eat and CRASH!!!!!


    I don't know how people do it - I know I couldn't!

  4. OK....Guys.... I just dropped some clothes off with Amy....she was so grateful. We still need school supplies for her 2 kids. Also, her only luxury is cable and internet and its about to be cut off. It went off and back on earlier and she was scared they had disconnected it. That bill is 100.00, I appreciate everything that everyone has done so far. I know Amy is very grateful.


    I know how important one luxury is - I will be willing to help pay the cable bill so she can keep it - anyone else out there want to help?

  5. I would check with the Department of Labor. There are many laws concerning Salaries employees, I know that if you are salary and you work even 1 hour that week your company has to pay you for the full week. Check the laws, I'm not sure if this is legal or not I would have to check my manuals at work.


    Yes - you are correct - if a person is salary as long as they work even an hour a week they have to be paid their full salary.


    However, if they don't work any hours a week- they do not have to be paid.

  6. Ugh..that makes me sick....


    In Chattanooga this week - a dad left his 15 month old in the backseat of the car for 8 hours....his car had some type of alarm - which went off at least 4 times during the day - but he just shut it off because he didn't see anyone "around his car."


    My heart just breaks for these kids.

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