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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. I'm a Melancholic.

    Sounds about right!



    ***You Have a Melancholic Temperament***

    Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.

    You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.

    You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.


    Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.

    You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.

    Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.


    At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.

    You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.

    You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult.

  2. critty's step mom and dad were in a rather nasty wreck this afternoon. somebody ran a redlight and t/boned their avalanch. they seem to be ok at the moment but,, you can never tell. the vehichle was hit rather hard in the drivers door and it caved it in and buckled the floor. they are beatup and bruised but they are coming home. nobody from either vehichle went to the hospital . thanks for the prayers and thoughts..


    Richard  and Christy  :(  :(  :(  :(


    You got them!

    Prayers for all.

  3. Please don't link all black youth to the thug culture.  The thug culture is not only black, maybe majority, but not all.  It is a societal and parental disregard or low expectation for these youth that turn them to this type of behavior.  There are just as many current white youth who behave no better.  As you can see, you have hit a chord.

    Kittycat, you surprised me with this statement.  I am glad to see that you later apologized for it.  But I can let you know, as a mother - don't ever let me hear you call my children mixed breed or we will have a problem.  I am taking it that you didn't mean it how it came across and sincerely hope that is was just a mistake in word choice that it was even said.

    Thank you CYB.  As a white mother with a black husband and multiracial children (Irish/English/Scottish/Japanese/Black/American Indian).  These discussions do catch my attention.  I do not think that all things are said out of hatred or prejudice, but alot of times out of ignorance.  It is a threat to all races, economic levels and educational levels.  The thug culture has been allowed to grow in this country with the so called rights the government says the kids have.  The school teach that your parents shouldn't spank you, this is abuse.  BS!!!  The lower econimic families alot of times have single mothers working several jobs and grandparents trying to raise the younger generation.  This is not an excuse, it is a reason for the downgrade we have seen in respect and manners in our younger generation.  I personally spank my kids whenever they need it.  If the government wants them and thinks that they can to a better job, they will have to fight me for them.


    Excellent Post

  4. That was an interception.  The refs will catch so much hell if the Steelers lose this, because that was a huge turning point for the Colts.


    I can't believe that Bettis just fumbled while going into the endzone.  Between that BS call and that fumble, I almost believe that the Colts are meant to win this game.


    No kidding.

    Oh good Lord.

    Late flag.

    More heart palpatations.

  5. we are close, we are off of Paul Aiken road :p


    and believe it or not, the stars are brighter out here, I have always lived on the East side of Paulding, right at Cobb county and at times in Cobb county, so it is a little darker out this way, and the moon rises in the back of my house, I watched from my kitchen window last night when the moon came up!


    Yes they are, and wasn't the moon beautiful last night?

  6. OMG!!  Does anyone remember going to the drive-in (JUDEAN) and your mama would pop a brown paper sack (grocery bags back then) full of popcorn and you put your cokes in a cooler, and you always had plenty of candy, but you still just had to go to the snack bar for something!! :p


    Yep - and I remember way back when we used to go in our jamies!

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