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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. Yeah, we were there at 2 and were shocked at the line also. I got to meet Mizcue finally, and ran into Doreen again at the right time also, Thanks for holding the baby while the cats got there shots! By the way to anyone wondering I was the one with 3 cats in a stroller and one being carried and a huge black lab along with me, my mom, brother and baby! Lucky us got inside right as it poured, I felt sorry for everyone out in the rain! It was nice with Dr.Lugar doing the shots since she is our vet, she would have seen my animals anyways.


    The End!


    I saw you! LOL - You definitley had your hands full!!

  2. Welcome back..didn't take you long to recoup!!! :lol:  Thanks for dropping those items by the Shelter today!! I must have talked to at least 300 dogs and kitties at the Rabies Clinic today..It was wonderful!! :ninja: Oh and now I am really confused..'cause I thought Grounded was My Mother...so I'm not sure how that makes us as far as being related!??? :blink:


    Hey MizCue - where were you working today at the rabies clinic? I was there early and it was packed!

  3. My favorite was the mastercard one - with the pricing, at the end it said hearing your dad scream like a girl and they showed them on the roller coaster - my father had just died and it really reminded me of him. So whenever I saw it I'd smile and tear up at the same time.

  4. My husband and I decided to stay in tonight and watch a movie. He rented " The Island" with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson. This has got to be the worst movie ever made. The special effects were good but totally wasted on a horrible script. It was PAINFUL to watch....absolutely PAINFUL. I tried to fall asleep but my husband had the volume up too loud and so I had no choice but to watch the darned thing!! Anyone else suffer through this autrocity?? If you find yourself browsing Blockbuster anytime soon and come across this movie, RUN AWAY!!!!



    LOL - just watched that last weekend. It was an awful movie!

  5. And speaking of Gabrielle, where the heck has she been with all this freaky stuff going on? and what about Desmond?


    Good questions - I wonder when they will show back up?


    And - why didnt' they ask Zeke any questions?

  6. What did ya think?


    Did anyone notice while they were in the woods with Zeke - he said "Alex, bring her here"


    Is that Gabrielle's Alex - the one the took?

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