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Posts posted by bibbida

  1. The Paulding Humane Society, a group of volunteers, work very hard at promoting adoptions, encouraging fostering, and advocating for homeless pets. They built a large pen area  to hold additional social animals until forever homes could be found; to help protect them from being euthanized. They fund emergency vet care for sick or injured animals who are brought in...and they try to provide comfort, love, human contact, and a better quality of life for these homeless pets.


    I would love to volunteer and get involved in the shelter - do you need volunteers and if so, how do I go about it?

  2. Wow - we had the same thing happen to us - but before they sent it to a credit agency they sent us cards - about the same thing, a game - and if I'm correct it was around the same time period, and we dropped it in the box outside.


    We called the corporate office and talked to them, a couple times, and they finally let it go because insisted we dropped it off.


    Did you get any cards before hand? I'd call the corporate office and raise a stink.

  3. The person may not have noticed me, except for the fact that I was beside them 2 or 3 times in traffic and it was between 7:30--8:00 a.m. this morning.


    I was in traffic at the same time - which road were you on? But then, I don't have a tag frame. So i guess it wasn't me!

  4. I remember how it ended.  Michael was on the computer and someone on the other end starting typing back to him.  He played along and eventually told the person his name.  Then the other person said "Dad?", which would indiciate that it was Walt on the other end.


    That's right - and that was right after they showed Locke and Mr Ecko seeing the film that said don't let the computer be used for anything else but the numbers!

  5. Same problem with ours. We just had a repairman here not too long ago for another issue and he checked the wiring and boxes, so that's not the problem. Does anyone here work for Comcast? Apparently quite a few customers are having this problem.




    I called again - and they did something to the box - then it started working - finally!!!

  6. I had an annual appointment this morning.


    My Doctor and the nurse (at different times) commented on my "young" age.


    I will be 35 in the late spring.  :blink:


    Anyway, it made me think that maybe to someone who is 50 (my doctor) would think that I am young. 


    My kids seem to think that I had to write in the dirt with a stick when I was their age though.




    It's funny - when I was 20ish, I though 40 was ancient. But now that I'm 40 - it doens't seem that old - now 80 seems ancient!


    But I also think today's "old" is much older than yesterdays "old." Lol - does that make any sense?

  7. bibbida, you missed a good chance to meet one of Paulding's celebrities.


    I know all three: Travis, RRR, and TBAR.


    Wow - I was that close to a celebrity huh?


    Hey! We were in the soup aisle at the same time! Now whenever I walk through that aisle I'll remember the time I was near a Paulding celebrity. :)

  8. Well I just got off the phone with Comcast - they did some tests on my box and said everything was working fine - to check all the cables and make sure the box is hooked up correctly - which I did and they were - but still no On Demand!!!!!


    Is anyone else having this problem or does everyone else's work ok?

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