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Everything posted by tranquility

  1. I'm convinced cats are evil. We have one next door that sits on our driveway staring at the irrationally insane Harley going crazy barking at it. The cat will stretch, yawn, roll over on it's back and anything else it can think of to taunt him. A couple weeks ago the cat brought a dead blue bird to our fence and laid it down then sat behind it meowing as Harley went nuts barking at it trying to stick his paw/leg through the fence to get it. I had to take a shovel and go in their yard to p/u the bird and throw it out into their woods while being stalked and fussed at by their cat. Evil I t
  2. Bad Daddy, don't yell at baby ! 1- Doggies are trying to protect you from whatever might be out there, they hear, see and smell better than we do so there are numerous dangers you just can't understand. For example the psycho squirrel, the terrorist that wears the disguise of a normal neighbor just out for a walk, the wind blowing that coud take down a tree, you get the picture. 2- They are underfoot because they want to be close to the ones they love. 3- Maybe he was very busy outside checking the perimeter and making sure his people were safe from all harm so he gave up his potty time
  3. That's a good idea. I am feeding him Blue Buffalo to make sure he gets his nutrients but I have to get him to eat it first. We have tried several brands of kibble but after discovering real food it has to be "topped" for him to eat it all.
  4. Don't know what #14 is but I have some I could add to the list. We give him a "little" people food when we eat dinner. (I know no people food, shut up) Anyway I actually try to think about what he would like, tonight he gets a little rotisserie chicken on his kibble. I boil ground beef, drain and rinse it in hot water to get as much grease off as I can and sprinkle some on his kibble and once in awhile he gets an Arby's jr. roast beef, also washed in hot water to get off the grease. Sometimes it takes longer to prepare his meal than it does ours and his is mainly kibble
  5. Me too. I was actually typing the list when it came to me.
  6. A means of transportation hmmmm. Car, bus, train, plane, boat, horse... Is it Subway ???
  7. I just heard a commercial that next Saturday (Hallmark)starts countdown to Christmas movies. I hope you like them. My favorite are the first two and I can't wait to see the new one at 9:00 tonight.
  8. Today and tonight. I just happened to check and The Good Witches Gift is on now. I like these. I see there is a 6th one that will be on later this evening. Just wanted to share.
  9. I stopped by K-mart this afternoon. They do have up a sign on the bldg. that they are closing. I tried to notice things I could tell you guys. I wonder if the people that already have things on layaway will get the sale pricing each time it goes down. That would be a good deal for them. There was a sign that read no more layaways after Oct. 10th. I heard two employees tell customers that they really didn't know when they were closing, it depended on how fast they sold out. I heard a lady talking to an employee about a job application she had recently put in and she was told they
  10. Hugs to you. I had a terrible time in the grocery store after my Mom passed. I would have her favorite treats in the buggy out of habit and instantly get tears in my eyes when I had to go put them back on the shelves. I had to just have a good cry in the parking lot before I could go home. Jello and pudding cups are always a reminder.
  11. "Hail to a woman who finally got it done"
  12. Thanks everyone, I appreciate your information. It does say The Court will have a Settlement Fairness Hearing (in December) to review the settlement, consider attorneys fees being requested by Class Counsel in an already filed motion with the Court, and address any objections.
  13. I received a notice today that I was included in one but don't remember the company they listed. I can think of one thing it could possibly be but there are so many scams out there I'm just not sure if anyone ever really get's anything but aggravation. What do you guys think / know about them ?? Thanks in advance.
  14. Hobby Lobby is my "Happy Place" I truly have loved that store since first walking into one years ago. I would love to have one in Hiram.
  15. Just in case anyone else watches, it starts tonight. 8:00 on the CW channel.
  16. I caught the last three songs. I'm a fan also. I love Rocket Man, heck I love all his older stuff.
  17. They are so precious. It's hard to believe how fast those little buggars grow.
  18. I have a terrible time with FB and end up having to X out because it locks up about halfway down the page. I never had a problem until I deleted the games but I don't know if it's related. Friends have told me they have the same problem. I don't have problems with any other websites.
  19. Thanks, just another side effect of getting older I guess.
  20. I have never been allergic or had any reaction to bee stings, ant bites etc. until..... Last year a yellow jacket stung me above my right knee, it swelled up really fast, turned red and my skin was very hot. I ended up at the doctor because the redness spread down past my knee. It was infected and I had to take antibiotics. Last week one single black ant bit me on the ankle, it swelled up about the size of a marble. I did take Benadryl but it was two days later before the swelling was completely gone. A few minutes ago something ?? maybe a mosquito bit me on the front of the leg ri
  21. Very nice to see Pubby today. It's been too long.
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