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Status Updates posted by ivylove

  1. Just thought I would drop in and give you a 5 star rating. I like your posts.

  2. Though I don't always "agree" with everything, I love reading your post and and like your opinions. I give you 5 stars.

  3. I just had to stop in here and give you a 5 star rating. I think you are smart & fair in your posts.

  4. Hi,

    Thanks for the comment and for checking on me. I have just been really busy lately, haven't had time to get online. Also, I would like to ad you as a friend if that's alright, and I can figure out how to do it.

  5. Hi Just thought I would drop in here and tell you I enjoy reading your posts.

  6. Just thought I would drop in and tell you I enjoy reading your posts.

  7. Hello,

    Just thought I would say Hi and give you 5 stars.

  8. I love your posts and comments! You are so funny, I have been reading and laughing. Reading your post and comments is very entertaining and actually make really good sense to me.

    ps. tried twice to bump your stars up to 5, but still only show 4.

  9. Hi, me again. Just wanted to add that I loved your Thinking Problem thread!!!

    tried again to bump your stars.

  10. Hi, just stopped by to say....Eye like your avatar.

  11. just saw my kiss and thought I would return it, and bump up stars.:)

  12. Hi,

    Just visiting your profile and noticed you didn't have any comments, so I thought I would change that. :)

  13. What is it like Over the Rainbow? :)

  14. Hello charliegirl, just thought I would drop by and write you a little note and bump up your stars.

  15. Hello, Are you really Bono's wife?

  16. Hey Joe, you wouldn't happen to be a plumber, by any chance, would you?

  17. Hello,

    Just stopped by and thought you might like some stars. You seem like a nice person.

  18. Hello WT,

    Just thinking about you and hope you are feeling well. Hope your surgery went well. Miss you on PCom.

  19. Just noticed you had a new profile pic, so I had to come in here and get a better look. I think you are so pretty. I also thought I would bump up your stars while I was in here. :)

  20. Where are you postman? I haven't seen you lately and am getting worried. Hope everything is going well.

  21. Thought I would bump up your stars.

  22. Just thought I would drop by and look at your profile. Don't think I have seen yours before. Thought I would bump up your stars while in here. Have a great day! :)

  23. I love your avatar and sense of humor! :) Gonna bump up some stars for you.

  24. I love the topics you post. :) They always seem to be subjects and topics that are interesting and helpful. I envision that you must be a really nice, sweet, warm and loving person. I also bumped up your stars.

  25. BL, I hope you don't mind, but I have added you as a friend. I am currently very interested in eating healthier too, and I have seen several documentaries on the Gerson Therapy. I truely believe that eating right, can help our bodies heal and/or reverse illnesses. I am also going to be praying for you since I read about your kidney issues.

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