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Everything posted by Biginthebottom

  1. It's totally two different illnesses but that does not make my grandfathers death seem less important then your mothers.
  2. You have no idea. Don't assume. That's your opionion not the actual truth of what a person feels after a love one takes their life.
  3. Sorry to hear that. That's a totally different situation. I'm sure your lack of sympathy was the least of his worries when he placed that gun inside his mouth. Cancer is totally different from depression.
  4. I have also heard it's a coward’s way out. In some ways that statement is correct. You can't label every suicide attempt and a suicide that was successful a cowards way out. Depression runs heavily in my family and I have also battled depression. So until this person or any one that has made statements like I have stated above walks in a path lead by someone that is depressed or dealt with a person that is depressed they have no clue. Also, I’m sorry about your losses.
  5. Honey, you need to do some research before you make a bold statement like that. Let me know when you have and I can let you know some insight on some things (coming from someone who saw their granddaddy with a bullet hole in their head and helped their mother clean the mess up after his body left the house in a body bag at the age of 12).
  6. I'm sure the majority "Stay at home moms" there was a mutual decision between you and the husband. The man brings home the dough and the woman stays at home and raises the kids. So the man pulls 40-60 hrs at work and the mom does the same at the home. So why complain? You should feel fortunate that you are able to stay at home and raise them instead of a daycare. You don't feel appreciated? Do you appreciate him? Have you ever thought he needs a break also? A woman always gives more then 50 % in the relationship. It’s common knowledge. So where does scooping poop or cleaning up puke com
  7. I have never heard it! We just speak the truth.
  8. So one of the guys come in a little early in the day and walked right pass me and I asked what are you doing here so early and he replied " I'm going to talk to a man about a dog" My boss had to explain it.
  9. . I just stamped 210 envelopes using the stamp machine and it took me about 15 minutes. It is time consuming.
  10. WOW..So when these dogs retire they don't get any kind of help (money) after all that they have done? That's sad.
  11. Here hope this make you folks feel better. It seems folks stress out over small things. Someone, please give these folks a hug and tell them everything will be okay.
  12. What is next for the little fella? Where does he go from here? Who is the actual owner of the dog? Anyone?
  13. How is their food? The place is always packed on the weekends but have not heard how their food was.
  14. It only happens on rare occasions that you see massive topics asking the same thing. What has happen recently is very tragic and people are wanting information NOW and trying to inform the public. Some is true and some is false. YOU be the judge of the info that is coming your way. So sit back and chill. If it's so frustrating the only thing I can tell you is to..LOG OFF Oh, when Halloween rolls around next month you might want to stay away from here..
  15. Does it matter one way or another? Some people are never happy unless they are bitching.. To answer your question..No I don't.
  16. What is the best way to download several(30 pics) pictures on here? Thank you!
  17. . He was a very sweet gentle man. God Bless his family.
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