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Everything posted by WHITEY

  1. I heard there was a round table discussion between the post 4 candidates recently that was filmed, Has anyone got a link to the video?
  2. Dang good to see you back in the forum BB, Missed ya, Nope do not know it to be a fact.
  3. I think that Carruth may be supporting Beverly Cochran, She did work for him for four years as AA Tony Crowe worked for Jerry so you would assume he is supporting Tony?
  4. Are you sure about all of this post? Seems to me that some of the alleged cronies that David brought in were former employees under the Shearin adminstration who were rehired by David I rerember that Mike Jones also worked for Jerry Shearin in the water and sewer department
  5. RR I see that you are up to some of your old tricks again of misinforming the readers here on P.com First I am just as concerned about a tax increase as anyone in the county including yourself, And, I do plan on attending the meeting on August 10, 2010 and if need be voice my opposition to the proposed budget. Will You???? Having said that I am having a little problem coming up with the same figures that you and some others are on this proposed millage rate increase would you please show the math on the 14% increase? Furthermore if I understand the formula used in figuring what a mill is eq
  6. Early Voting began yesterday and will continue through Friday at the Watson Complex in the voter registration office. Day of the Week Hours Monday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Tuesday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Wednesday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Thursday 8:00 am - 7:00 pm Friday 8:00 am - 5:00 pm Go and vote for the candidates of your choice
  7. A round table discussion is also scheduled for today on P.com between all commissioner candidates, I wonder if Beverly and Tony will show up for this discussion? Surely they have no objections to discussing the issues that they are running on!!!!!!
  8. Good to know for the record that all candidates have been invited to appear,And some have accepted. I thought that the Stout Braddock round table was very interesting, And informative. I would really like to see the commission candidates debate to see if what is being said in the door to door campaigns would be repeated for all to see and hear ????
  9. Scorpio since neither Surepip nor Animal has responded to your post I will try and give you a response without being too negative and bias Jerry was the County Commission Chairman from 2000 thru 2008 during his tenure we had a massive explosive growth in the housing industry. It is believed by many that most of the problems that the county faces today was caused by the explosive growth, And the inability/Desire to have a balanced growth of industrial/Commercial/ Manufacturing jobs along with the thousands of new homes that were being built. A lot of folks claim that he ruled the county with
  10. Pubby I see you reading in this post will you please tell us what is up with the round table discussion among the commission candidates?
  11. You started the negative campaign today with the salary post I just responded, Anyone can post maybe you can post something postive about a candidate? It is really easy for me to post something postive for Barnett and Pownall
  12. Pownall and Barnett would still like to have a round table discussion for the citizens to be able to hear what issues each candidate are running on. PS the cost is on his campaign report
  13. You can always post some of the good things you know about your candidate, Is he good at erecting signs, Is he good at debating the issues, will he be willing to debate the issues,Has he ever been employed by the tax payers ETC. heck post something good about your candidate
  14. Rumor has it that Tony Crowe and Beverly Cochran will not agree to a round table discussion with P.com, They prefer the whisper type campaigns and see who can erect the most signs
  15. I know David Barnett and Todd Pownall and both men are respected business men in the County that provides jobs for other Paulding County Residents, And on a regular basis give back to the community through various charitable and non charitable organizations for many years, and without question has done so expecting nothing in return. It came as no surprise to me that due to state of the economy and the budget crunch that the county is in that these two gentlemen volunteered to forego two years of salary, All County workers have taken a hit in the pocket book over the past couple of years,
  16. Hey Pubby can you fill us in on why we are not going to have a round table discussion for all of the candidates in Post 2 and Post 4??????
  17. I think that all of the candidates should have a round table discussion From what I hear David Barnett and Todd Pownall are willing but the others will not even discuss the possibility of discussing the issues in an open forum. Come on all candidates let's get all of you on P.Com and discuss the issues facing our County How about the DA candidates let's do a face to face?
  18. Yea I know the DA thread is heating up,But the Commissioners thread is dead,I am ready to do some campaigning for those candidates in the commissioners race.
  19. This has to be one of the quietest runoff elections that I have ever experienced; with two runoffs in the Board of Commissioners race I have not seen the first post about either of these races. Well……. I am supporting Todd Pownall in the post #2 race because he has always stood up for the citizens of Paulding County, And has always gave back to our community
  20. No smear just the facts as jason mailed them out,I hope you are not saying that he did not mail out two different flyers?
  21. Care to point out the lies and smears?
  22. Since the votes are being tallied at the new adminstration building, The cafeteria in the building would be an excellent spot?
  23. And ...... The head of the ethics committee is now running for the governor of Georgia And Regan Republican is the chairman of the paulding county for Eric Johnson committee, What a joke!!!!
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