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Everything posted by Erin

  1. Me too! Love that scene! Depends fer when you pee yerself.
  2. Great post. I really love how 50% of the ads out there are now asking for pictures too. I didn't know that as an Exec Assistant or Admin Assistant, I needed to look like a supermodel. I coulda swore we were living in the 21st century, not 1950.
  3. carbs are sugar. The argument is about the Feds telling you what you can feed your kids and are they going too far.
  4. They are even better with a little salt.
  5. Hey! and thanks! Also, I love raw taters.
  6. If someone else is paying, then you do what they say. If someone wants to tell me that I can't feed my child taters with my own money then we are gonna have a problem. How far is too far? In general, we have allowed the government to go too far.
  7. Wow, congrats! It's a HUGE change from one older kid, huh?
  8. probably. I live so far out I can't get it. It's been a while.
  9. I've always thought you were a guy.
  10. Well, that is where you go to find out. You didn't know?
  11. He just wanted it to sound cool and throw you off. Seriously though, if you have On Demand, you can do Zumba at home. I've been wanting to go to a class for a while but there isn't any up in the middle of nowhere, where I live.
  12. pretty sure it's slang for hip replacement.
  13. I changed my mind. I blame polygamist.
  14. The alarm didn't get set, I was just trying to piss him off. I've been...........around. lol
  15. Definitely! Also, I didn't know you had 2 kids. I've been gone a while.
  16. No joke, I had a dream about 3 months ago that I finally met you and you were pregnant but being that I have had a hard time getting pregnant myself, I didn't want to say anything. YAY!!!! Congrats.
  17. mmmmmmmmmm, waffles. waffles are HAWT. I get that alot. LMAO
  18. I've had alot of vehicles and my favorite SUV is my Tahoe, my favorite truck was my GMC and my favorite car was my accord. All in all, I prefer a truck but with 2 little kids, I LOVE my tahoe. I grew to hate my Pilot, just an FYI.
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