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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. I've been angry about that ugly scar on the land since they first started and will never trust all the liars that proposed it
  2. Because the folks that run it can't operate an airport successfully,they are trying the outdoor movie venue now.AND yet again,they failed to study history........not very many drive-ins left in operation.The last one of those in Paulding is now a car lot.......
  3. The boc can not approve any sewer expansion without somewhere to put it.And taxpayers are already on the hook for abandoned subdivison roads. Back before David was chairman,he played builder/developer and he wanted the taxpayers to pay for sewer to his proposed prd.He was denied. But,to answer your question,sewerage and county roads are part of the M&O of a county and need not be put on a ballot.IMHO it is a commissioners job to find the best company at the best price to do such M&O
  4. agreed,Bartow is like that,I wouldn/t be able to stand that.
  5. When I want to invest my money,I will decide what my money will be invested in. Once again-The commissioners are not elected to use my money as an investment on speculated job growth.
  6. And that fool that is the chairman wants us to pay more taxes
  7. Thomas Jefferson-To compel a man to furnish funds for the propagation of ideas he disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical.
  8. No,using tax money for the M&O for the county airport is absurd
  9. You missed the point.I'll explain it. If someone that you do not know,tells you that you need something for your home,even though they had never been in your home and they will not be buying those items for you.Would you listen to them?Would you take their advise?......Remember,it's your house and your money being spent. Now,what if this stranger made you buy those items that were not needed and suddenly you can't pay for them?And your house is on the loan as collateral?
  10. If a stranger shows up at your door and tells you that you need to buy all new kitchen appliances.Stuff that you don't want or need,what would you tell this stranger?
  11. I think the folks in Cobb got screwed with the new braves stadium,but I don't live in cobb and by law can not register to vote there.So my opinion on that matter means nothing to them,and frankly is none of my business.
  12. If you don't live in this county,you don't have the right.If you can't vote in this county or pay property taxes that can be taken under threat of losing your house,then NO,you DO NOT have the right.
  13. I've been against that scar on the land since Jerry Shearin started it it years ago.If you agree that it is ok for the government to take your money,pat you on the head and say"we know what's best for you"...............you are an idiot!
  14. Your commission chairman does not care what you want,if you live close to the airport you are considered collateral damage.And now,they can force you to help pay for the airport
  15. Have not read all the posts in this thread. If there is no threat from ebola on planes,then have Obama's daughters shake hands with every one as they get off the planes
  16. So you've heard about the canal from the gulf to fill up the reservoir I see.........That Todd,can't keep nothing secret.
  17. And maybe Delta has nothing to do with the Stop billboards or the lawyers for the thousands that are against the airport
  18. Hey folks I don't give a rat's butt what some talking head thinks is going on in a county where they do not live, Elected officials had better listen to their constituents(you know,the people they represent)
  19. I like okry so much,I got rid of the useless flower bed and planted food.It's over 10 ft tall now
  20. It's crap like this that turn people off to this site
  21. Did y'all know that if you caught a wild hog in south Ga.that you could not legally take it anywhere else in the state and release it,without it going thru blood tests from the state? Can't have them hogs spreading diseases
  22. They keep spend all this money on a reservoir that is not permitted and may NEVER be permitted.Right now there is a pilot study being done at cobb county marietta water authority,the county is paying almost $500K for.Testing the water from allatoona........You say,well it's still the etowah river water,some of it is,but it's also proctor creek,butler creek and allatoona creek. Believe me,I WANT this reservoir,but we are sinking a lot of money on a hole that may not hold water.
  23. Most of the county is chomping at the bit for someone else to take over as chairman..............The rest of us are not blinded by the god aura that y'all hang on him
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