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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. Northern Ringneck completely harmless,mostly eats worms.
  2. I have released a lot more alive,If I find king snakes I will bring them home and let them go in the yard. But I did kill 3 copperheads in the yard within the last year,and had 2 of my beagle bit.But they are fine
  3. BTW-The snake in my avatar is a copperhead that I'm "milking",caught in my yard
  4. Here is a pic of a king snake eating a copperhead.
  5. According to one of the girls that was on the bus.They went on and won first place in the color guard and band competition....North Paulding High School
  6. Yep,all non-venomous snakes are protected.
  7. What I can see from pics,it's either a black rat snake or a king snake.Both are protected by law in Ga.
  8. I argued with and blasted Jerry publicly on here about that stupid airport......Courthouse/Taj Mahal....wasteful. But,what could he really do about the builders?....I mean if they had all the proper permits,how could he turn them down?
  9. I've got the pics now,and after seeing them I figured it was the 4 door car occupant that was hurt bad. Thank you for setting me straight
  10. Expedition was headed north and stopped to turn on brasswell mt road,a 4 door passenger car was stopped behind the expedition. Nissan truck coming north did not see the vehicles stopped.Nissan swerved clipped cars then hit an oncoming schoolbus that was on filedtrip for band.The bus lost powersteering and brakes but the driver(very good friend) was able to hold bus in the road Paramedics checked kids at scene,1 had a bump on head and went to hospital to be checked. Lifeflight was for driver of nissan. Will have pics,but won't post until condition is known of driver of nissan
  11. Found this,it's from Aug.19 but it's the latest I could find, http://www.tvline.com/2011/08/all-my-children-prospect-park-proposal-lucci-update/
  12. It won't be the end....a lot of questions yet to be answered....on line. Oh I bet JR shot himself
  13. Wished my wife and kids weren't home today........don't want them to see a grown man cry over a soap. I'm 45,I can remember when my grandmother kept me when I was little,we would watch AMC and GH
  14. Good grief man you sound the that fool Obama reading from a teleprompter....Put some emotion into your thoughts.
  15. I got no problem with a man dressing in womens clothes or vice versa.....I got no problem with using the same bathroom.....But that parent is telling that poor child something to confuse her, I can overlook a lot of things,but if you mess with a child, I'd just as soon kill ya.
  16. |I had a word deleted from my post...WHY???....Because it my offend somebody?...Poor little baby,we can't use that word,someone might get their feelings hurt.......I don't care.I'm offended because of the situation this poor child has to live in. queer(kwîr) adj. queer·er, queer·est 1. Deviating from the expected or normal; strange: a queer situation.2. Odd or unconventional, as in behavior; eccentric. See Synonyms at strange.3. Of a questionable nature or character; suspicious.4. Slang Fake; counterfeit.5. Feeling slightly ill; queasy.6. Offensive Slang Homosexual.7. Usage Problem Of or r
  17. Blast away if you must But this is exactly why kids don't need to be around .......the child is already confused :angry:
  18. He didn't have to be a victim.....With a little forethought and planning he could have stopped the beating. If he could have whipped out a bag of doritos,he wouldn't have taken the first punch
  19. Too bad pheasant can't survive here(been told that a mite here kills them)...they taste excellant
  20. Oh they's a whole lota jackasses on gon when it comes to killin ducks
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