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Everything posted by thedeerslayer

  1. Back when David played at being a developer for his property on Ivey Gulledge Rd.He wanted the tax payers to pay for running sewer lines to the subdivision.Jerry Shearin told him No,that's not how it works.The builders pay for it,then pass on the costs. David told Jerry he was going to run against him as comm.chair for that reason.
  2. They do not care what the citizens like. They only care what favors and money can be given to them from others higher up the government chain.
  3. This state would be better off if there were more elected officials like Micah.
  4. Reading one of the acworth pages on FB where the video was posted,a woman asked"Did this happen at a railroad crossing?"
  5. I was there and I heard David say it. David Austin is a liar
  6. You will never get the pro airport to admit somebody lied...............They are just like the Obama followers.
  7. Why don't all of y'all that are for the airport expansion go take out 2nd,3rd or 4th mortgages on your homes,borrow against your retirement and invest YOUR money if you are so sure it will make a profit? But no,you don't want to do that,you want to force everyone to pay or go homeless.
  8. ??????????? What are you smoking?What great reputation are you talking about? Nobody has heard of this guy,he has no track record.
  9. Yeah right If brother would have been chairman at that time,bet yo butt Boyd would have been ok and in on the rushed,hushed meetings.
  10. http://paulding.com/forum/topic/168367-wellstar-announces-theyre-withdrawing-from-deal-for-140-acre-campus-off-cedarcrest/ Read the email in post #9 from Dallas Mayor Boyd Austin
  11. Wasn't there supposed to be a much bigger hospital out on cedarcrest?.....Wonder what happened to it?
  12. <br /><br /><br /> I know,that's why I posted it again,thought you might have changed again.;-) How come BB gets smiley's?.......She threatened to boycott and never pay!But now she pays and has smiley's? Pokin at ya BB
  13. #149 User is offline Beach Bum Group: +Member Plus Black Posts: 7,529 Joined: 25-October 07 Posted 24 July 2011 - 02:52 PM I don't give up one red dime of my own money to post on this site nor will I support any business that advertises on this site and that is what is important to me - and YOU can take that to the bank. I could care less about silly little post counts.
  14. <br /><br /><br /> USAF here also. Feb.86-May 86. Trained to be Armament Specialist on the A-10.But after having too good a time in tech school out in Denver.I was called into The commander's office and told the air force did not want me.Go home.Entry level seperation.
  15. As member #5,I've been here through all of the updates.........even through drinking problems when I got pissed and said I'm gone.Which is why I changed my handle,didn't want to be a liar.:-)
  16. If a man will wave a piece of paper and lie to the world that emails were sent.That same man will lie about a phone call
  17. She has a legitimate complaint.An unwanted,unneeded airport was built in her peaceful,quiet backyard.None of you are qualified to diagnose PTSD. I live next to powerlines.I like to watch the maintenance they do on the lines from the helicopters. But,it would get on my nerves if I had to hear it day and night.
  18. <br /><br /><br /><br /><br />But the water wars with Alabama and Florida,you would have to pay for more studies.By that,I mean you would have to determine exactly where the drainage divide is.<br />If you take 100k gallons of water from the chattahoochee basin,then Fla.demand you put that much back.On the west side,Alabama will holler if their water is not put back into the etowah basin.
  19. I do FB,but not twitter. But lately I have been deleting and blocking a lot of "friends" went from over 500 now down to 343 and I have quit following some of those. Too much senseless drama and some folks act like they are still in high school with the pics they post. I do like the groups that you can join and exchange info with others without having to be friends.
  20. <br /><br /><br /> C'mon,they are taking your tax money and using it for something you don't believe in,and did not ask your opinion.Quit deflecting and answer the question
  21. I wonder how the pro airport side feels about our tax money being sent to Egypt to rebuild muslim mosques.Hey,it's for the good of the country right?
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