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Everything posted by lowrider

  1. Debris off Australia Since I can't COPY & PASTE story at CNN
  2. I can't copy and paste anything and I can't quote.
  3. What good is it if you can't copy and paste?
  4. My heart is breaking for this family and they are in my prayers. Such a sweet, sweet girl and such a loss. I'm shedding my own tears of hurt and sadness.
  5. Say what? When and where? And while we're at it, I can quote on here (iPhone ) but I can't on my laptop. I'm using IE like always.
  6. I just don't understand what is happening to our country...........drugs are leaving families torn apart, children without parents and parents in jail or dead. Heroin has taken another, someone my kids age that was in my home when they were young , and has been to my home in recent months. I am so sad and so sorry for the family. There are children left behind. I am just so sad and in tears.
  7. Exactly RM, they thought they would get away with it.
  8. It would almost seem like a "set up" so that it would work out this way. You know I didn't want to believe it, but I think this county is so very, very corrupt and nothing can be done.
  9. This was discussed years ago when we/they/somebody was trying to get County Police, like Cobb. I don't know why the Paulding Sheriff's department can't work a wreck but they can't. We need County Police, at least that's the way I understand it. I'm sure someone on here can explain it better. And I totally agree it's a waste of resources.
  10. Speaking of mean turkeys Back in 1975/76 we were coming home from my granny's farm and stopped at a farm on the way out because they had a turkey. My husband wanted the turkey. It was huge! He caught it and put it in the front trunk of our VW. It must have traumatized the dang turkey because when we got home and let him out he was wild. The next day I couldn't even go out of the house, he followed me from room to room looking through the windows at me hissing! My husband came home and got the turkey and took him to another farm.
  11. I'm on my lap top, haven't tried to quote or copy and paste from my mobile
  12. lowrider


    Ok, I changed the thing on the left side to "NEW SINCE MY LAST VISIT" and it shows ALL topics
  13. You're not alone. I can't quote or C&P
  14. lowrider


    Pubby why can't I quote? Why can't I copy and paste? I saw where you were talking about the stuff on the left, I'll try that and see if the topics come up better.
  15. Ok, I'm off to find a corned beef brisket................................ We usually go out and find a restaurant, but it's so nasty outside, I'll make it and make the house smell good!
  16. lowrider


    Oh shut yer trap, Barney Gomer...............I can't even find my post!!
  17. You wish!! I wish there was someplace I could go buy some corned beed and cabbage.
  18. lowrider


    Although, when I hit the recent topics button, it wasn't on the RECENT TOPICS page., I actually had to click on The New Internet Cafe forum to find my topic. So....................... I dunno
  19. lowrider


    I saw where you asked how to start a new topic and I was interested myself so............ I went to the forum, The Cafe in this instance, and started a new topic just like on the old board. Hope that helps.
  20. Well I'm on my iPhone and it's looking pretty close to what we had. I see the recent topics button!!! Thanks Pubby
  21. Girl, I don't have filter. LOL I'm on my iPhone and it's weird.
  22. I can't get it to quote either........... PUBBY, once thing I noticed is when I click on a topic that I've already looked at, it starts me at the top of the page instead of taking me to the last comment I read.
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