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Everything posted by DiehardKy

  1. If Obama had a website it would look like P.com. Oh Pubby, if I get a vote I vote that you put this right there next to your Global Warming Political statements. Pubby if Nancy Pelosi had a twin sister she would look and think like you.
  2. Good, at least we are getting something back from the Feds. Keep paying and we can collect. Thanks
  3. In 1967 the Detroit riots were devastating to the city of Detroit. Not only because the riots caused approximately 80 Million dollars in damage but people moved out the city because they were fed up. The riots were about an unlicensed bar that was raided and it was turned into a racial incident of some kind. Next thing you know innocent White folks were being targeted just because of their skin color so many white folks moved out of Detroit to the suburbs. Now this is really not what killed the city, the tensions were high but they wouldn't last if the leader would have brought people toge
  4. Fantastic! My wife and I are happier than every. Thanks for asking.
  5. How do you know its a human being? Maybe this is not a human being at all. Its not born yet, still in the womb. Perhaps its a big round mass of cells without any life or whatever until it hits the atmosphere.
  6. How can I show you the garbage when you hide the garbage source?
  7. Eddie, Negotiating with someone depends on what that person needs. If you are going to make money first you have to know what your customer wants. Here is What my customer needs and then I have to go out there and create it for them. The negotiation only starts after I have acquired what they need. Selling something a person doesn't need is the hardest thing to sell. When you know what they need and can provide it the negotiating is easy. As for politics, I don't want nothing the liberals are selling. Sell me some freedom and I will pay any price.
  8. Yep, If our President had a city of his own it would look like Detroit (I love this one, heard it today on the radio)
  9. Eddie, a graph is only as good as the information put into the analysis. Garbage in is Garbage out.
  10. I agree 100%. I used to teach a trade in aviation to Navy sailors for the DOD some years ago. Each and every sailor learned differently. Some learned by using the classroom, formal teaching. Some learned by taking something apart then putting it back together. Some could pull down a book and read through instructions on how to fix it but couldnt tell you how it works when done. Some learned by watching me fix it. Some learned by breaking crap over and over and finally got it. Some learned after years and years of osmosis of being around those who already knew how to do it. So h
  11. I always wondered about that. If you are a gaseous person you can move next to a pulp mill and no one will ever ask you "Did you do that?"
  12. Trust me, that is coming in this thread. The nurses at the nut farm have reported hearing it coming from the cafeteria.
  13. We had a geek session the other day on electricity, AC and DC. I like that. We all have things that we know but others might not have a clue what it is or maybe have questions about it. So what do you know that maybe we don't know? Everyone put away your envy and pride chopping skills for this because there is going to be some perceptions that people are bragging about their craft, skills, knowledge etc. If you make something that is pretty cool or maybe not so cool I want to know about it. If you do something that is something we might now understand then help us understand it. There
  14. There is no cure, its the worse disease in the history of the world. At least someday they will have a cure for AIDS, liberalism is hopeless as you say.
  15. You dont understand Eddie. The Koch Brothers and Freedom Works are a good thing. Do you understand their purpose? Do you understand the predictament our country is in? Thank God for the Koch brothers. Stop listening to that vile stuff on MSNBC about the Koch brothers.
  16. We all are guilty of "chumming the hole" (cant help but feel dirty saying that). Problem is we don't have the power of the bullet.
  17. If you go back and read Rockysmoms topic you will see She killed her own topic by attacking those who she didn't agree with. Just food for thought. As for Pubby and attacks on him. Lets face it, he is very liberal in his thinking and makes some very long stretches politically to make his points. We conservatives disagree with him on those points almost every single time. Now, there is some other characteristics of this site that are very obvious when it comes to moderating. There is a group of attack liberals out there who make personal attacks constantly because a poster (like mys
  18. Eddie, Eddie, Eddie. This of course is quite true when it comes to the "Ruling Class" Republicans. You see there is a huge difference between BIG GOVT Republicans and Tea Party Republicans. The BIG GOVT Republicans are John McCain, Lindsey Graham, Boehner, etc. Those who are Tea Party (small government) Republicans are Rand Paul, Pat Toomey, Mike Lee, Ted Cruz etc. You might want to know that there is very bitter fighting going on between McCain and company and Rand Paul and company. More infighting than outfighting actually.
  19. Eddie, Up here in Ky we have a Democrat Governor. He is fiscally conservative like the old time Democrats but he agrees with the social issues that Obama agrees on. Personally one social issue is my show stopper and that is aboortzion. I will NEVER vote for a candidate who supports the demise of Gods children. Aside from that our budget in Ky is balanced and conservative and why this Democrat was reelected. So, this Democrat in Ky who runs the state is supported by the Tea Party, imagine that. I cannot see your link or who you are speaking of in regards to Governors. Speak
  20. Yes, I stand corrected, thank you sir. Detroit is the largest city to go bankrupt. Its only been 9 months since Obama said he saved Detroit from bankruptcy. I suppose the stock market will dip a bit in the future. One thing I am not good at is predicting the stock market but that could be due to the Feds padding the market with Chinese borrowed money.
  21. Eddie, you really have this backwards again. I an tending to think you are a conservative in your thinking. We conservatives KNOW that liberals make decisions based on emotion. By golly I believe you are moving in the right direction when it comes to emotional decisions. I like decisions based on law that is legislated under the constitution. Do we agree?
  22. I would reply to you but since I am not a liberal with liberal ideology I would be shot by Pubby again. Those on this site who disagree with the moderator do not have the same rules as they apply to you. Have a great weekend.
  23. Because sources really matter.....they matter quite a bit don't you think?
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