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Rose Luxemburg

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Everything posted by Rose Luxemburg

  1. Well that should make people mad as hell, if true, the school system doesnt need to be diverting education money to a f#@$#### air show!!! Where are the pitchforks? lol
  2. I spoke to Todd about it Friday and he called it political slander. At this point I am inclined to believe it is the case. If the County is willing to throw $100K for this I hope the have the $$$ to put on the 4th of July Fireworks at Taylor Farms. We have enjoyed the event on several occasions.... Tuesday's BOC meeting promises to be an interesting one since the issue is front and center on the agenda. I am sure the Pat and Patti Show will be discussing. Heck, they may even make it the meeting Tuesday, lol.
  3. I agree NewsJunky. I dont want to see 100K of taxpayer money going to this event. As it looks right now, it appears the pro commercial group is playing dirty right now.
  4. I believe the first one lost money or broke even, the 2nd one- $10K in profit sticks out in my mind and on the support page when someone asked about the charities benefitting no answer was given.
  5. Yes many schools do have to pay for emergency personnel to be present at games and imagine they pay for off duty deputies as well.
  6. I agree that it should be paid for completely by the AA/sponsors. I do not have a problem with Fire and Rescue being there or the AA paying for the buses and deputies to be there. County money should be better spent on free events for families like the Fourth of July event.
  7. What I am gathering is that the Airport Show was promised money, $100,000, from the County and also needs "the support" of the County in order to utilize the fire rescue and sheriff department at the event.
  8. The Support Silver Comet Field FB page is saying that that 3 of the 5 commissioners are withdrawing their support for the Air Show in May meaning that without the County's support they will not have County fire and rescue or security. Without these I am assuming the event will be canceled. They also state this is scheduled to be discussed and voted on at the next BOC meeting Proceeds from this event go to Paulding County charities. https://www.facebook.com/SilverCometAirport
  9. Ever since the tunnel entrance nearby closed....
  10. I want the white one in the center with the bits of orange on its head, lol. I am sure the 6 I already have would not approve.
  11. Somewhere in the middle of all the he said, she said is the truth. The million dollar question is which version is closer to being accurate...
  12. Its some f***** d up sheeze all right. Being mad means you have chosen sides in a way,dont let those tenacles get hold of you. Offer solutions, demand solutions. Its high time citizens fed up with the sheeze from both sides, Storm the Bastille, figuratively and demand that both sides sit down and resolve the pissing war.
  13. ahh, but the path towards defeating evil is a complexity designed to destroy a man(or woman's) soul. For to defeat evil one must differentiate between true evil and the evil created in one's mind, no easy task indeed. Many have miscategorized and have gone down and the wrong path, albeit an internal one, laden with hate and obsession. Fighting "true evil" for purely noble purposes, while fraught with many dangers should be uplifting to the soul and all encountered.
  14. Oversees the day to day ops of the County. The position is the #1 person in County govt that is not elected.
  15. I'll bring some Fruit loop squares.. (think rice krispy treats but made with fruit loops)
  16. I think you are to be congratulated for recognizing that you had become ensnared in the nastiness that is enveloping this County. The only way to stop the nastiness is to refuse the "bait". The only way to push back if you must is with a counter of something to the effect of - we are destroying ourselves if we cant come to sort of compromise on the issue and that entails acting like adults.
  17. I have considered speaking at the BOC meeting about above referenced subject, but, I think I would be wasting my breathe. There is nothing new under the Sun including the natural state of man's behaviors and actions. The only thing that changes with the passage of time are the vehicles available to man to act upon those primal behaviors and actions. I fear we are on the path towards another Dark Age in history rather than a period of Enlightenment.
  18. I am really coming to the conclusion there is no hope for this County. The level of paranoia and vindictiveness is out of control and harmful to ALL. It is destructive. There is no quick resolution to this airport issue, I expect it to go on for at least 2-3 years if not longer. Meanwhile this type of behavior should increase exponentially as opposing sides battle it out for control, among other things. We are starting to to see the tentacles reach out and ensnare those merely informing, asking questions or voicing an opinion as evidenced by this and other actions. The end result of t
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