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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Maybe someone hijacked his account and it's not the real Guard Dad !
  2. Oh take that phony halo off your head it's not even a good fit.
  3. Are you still trying pull this rabbit out of your hat and change the subject ?
  4. You can almost hear all the Rednecks rummaging through their closets trying to find that Confederate flag to stick on the back of the pickup.
  5. From what I've seen unless someone else's life is in immediate danger the last thing you want to do is call law enforcement.
  6. I think what we may have on our hands is a movement, an anti massacree movement !
  7. Can you support breast cancer awareness without ignoring all other cancers ?
  8. Remember the old days when cops used to arrest people and take them to jail instead of to the morgue, where they had to answer for their crimes before a jury of their peers ?
  9. Well changing the subject from police misconduct to single parent homes seems to work for you.
  10. You might want to familiarize yourself the civil rights movement and Rosa Parks 1955 Montgomery bus boycott.
  11. And you sir have managed to hit the nail on the head, time after time after time people have had to watch with total disbelief as government has cleared officers of any wrongdoing. When people can be choked to death and 12 year olds gunned down for playing in city parks without anyone paying so much as a traffic fine something is wrong with the system and the people that have taken to the streets feel like they have reached the end of their rope and who can blame them ? I gave you an example of one incident how many do you need before you notice a pattern ? Police Brutality And Misco
  12. Martial Law is the first step in President Obama's insidious plot to become America's first dictator. Everyone knows that.
  13. The Sheriffs duty is to uphold the law and the right to peacefully assemble is protected under the first amendment of the constitution.
  14. Well here's an example that happened right here in Georgia and you don't even need to take my word for it. Atlanta police identify officer fired after deadly shooting Officer James R. Burns’ termination will take effect Tuesday, nearly three weeks after he shot and killed Deravis Caine Rogers, who was fleeing a northeast Atlanta apartment complex in a silver sedan. Rogers, 22, was suspected of breaking into vehicles, but the APD’s internal review found the officer’s decision to shoot Rogers constituted excessive force. Burns shot him once in the head and Rogers died hours later at Gr
  15. Nope is not the answer, it's a deflection and you know it and on top of that a bit of very thinly veiled racism.
  16. You're not the first, he's been doing it for years and not just you, it's a when all else fails strategy I think it's alway important to point out the hypocrisy of Right whenever possible.
  17. You are only bringing it up to deflect the conversation away from law enforcement's responsibility in the situation.
  18. If they need a place to assemble there is plenty of unused space at the airport.
  19. The 'facts' is you are trying to make this their fault and not the fault of an overly aggressive, ill trained nervous and trigger happy police force.
  20. The Atlanta Police Department on Monday released the name of the police officer fired in the wake a June 22 officer-involved shooting where an unarmed, fleeing motorist was killed. Burns shot him once in the head and Rogers died hours later at Grady. Burns, who records show joined APD in September 2013 as a cadet, is white and Rogers was black. “The force used was ruled excessive because there was no obvious threat made toward the officer,” said Sgt. Warren Pickard http://www.ajc.com/news/news/breaking-news/atlanta-police-identify-officer-fired-after-deadly/nrwrH/
  21. I don't want to argue about your statement I'm just curious about your 'fix'. Are you going to make having a child out of wedlock a crime, take children away from their mothers or do you have something more sinister in mind like taking away assistance and starving the mothers and their children into submission. Blame it on Murphy Brown.. Dan Quayle had a similar view on the causes of the LA riots.
  22. While your tearful eyed pity for Black people is touching that is not what this is about. It's not about welfare, food stamps or equal opportunity. It is about people be gunned down for broken tail lights, selling loose cigarettes or Cd's on a street corner, it's about cops so fearful and ill trained they gun down 12 year olds playing in a city park after two seconds of arriving on the scene. It's about watching city prosecutors stand on the courthouse steps time after time after time saying "No charges will be filled" It's about video's of people being beaten with billy clubs, stomped on and
  23. So in your world a cop only needs to 'think' someone is reaching for a gun to kill him. No need to see one, hear or even smell one the simple believe is justification to empty his gun into him. If latter on it turns out to be a wallet then that's just too damned bad right ? You know if any citizen did what you suggest he would spend the next twenty years getting to know Bubba in a jail cell.
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