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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Just remember the password is probably case sensitive.
  2. Pentagon Study Cites Climate Change as National Security Threat "Even before recent predictions that Arctic sea ice would melt by the summer of 2016 in a "final collapse," setting off a "global disaster," the Pentagon and the Center for Naval Analyses's (CNA) Military Advisory Board had already gone on record warningabout the impacts of climate change as a threat to national security" http://www.huffingto..._b_1929398.html
  3. China has joined the decadent West like it or not. Welcome to Capitalism China ! China bans rowdy game show for 'wanton' content " BEIJING (AP) — Chinese regulators suspended a broadcaster Friday after an unaired segment of a TV game show was leaked online showing a raucous shouting match about nudity between spectators and a woman who calls her daughter the next Lady Gaga." http://tv.yahoo.com/...-043037232.html
  4. I Saw That . Voting today is just silly don't you think we all know the Falcons won.
  5. "Are Leggings Pants"?.......are G-Strings panties ?
  6. Welcome to our community we think you will love it here. Just one word of caution, Stay away from the tunnels.
  7. Lots of people get a little moody this time of the year, some scientist say it's from staying indoors too much and the lack of natural sunlight. Kick that in with the stress of the Holidays and people get a little short tempered, It's not our fault with all these needy people Wanting this and wanting that ! What about me I have needs too. Leave me alone for two minutes OK ! I JUST WANT TO TAKE A NAP !!!!!
  8. This must be a generational thing. You see in my day women would have called these pantyhose.
  9. Also that terribly painful side effect some people get, commonly known as wiener toes.
  10. I have done everything you said the utube video show up, but when I post it or preview it the video disappears and is replaced by [media][media] ??
  11. Sorry, but I don't get the humor in that ?
  12. Same here and remember I wrote this the next time you pull me over !
  13. Hers's a word you don't hear much anymore "Community".
  14. That splan's everything, I'm on the Freeloader plan.
  15. Here's the deal; Everyone hates cops right up until the day you need one. Then they are your best friend's.
  16. Maybe someone will post the video since I Can't seem to do it !!!
  17. It's hard to believe after all these years people are still falling for this. One of the reasons I worried when my elderly father said he was getting an internet connection.
  18. A Hilarious Guide to Texting for the Elderly http://news.yahoo.co...-181614106.html
  19. Another time working for the same company a guy approached me and ask for change because he was starving and let me tell you this guy looked like he was. So I dug deep and gave him about four dollars and told him to get something to eat at the Krystal across the street, back in those days four dollars at the Krystal would go a really long way. So I was in the store for a couple of hours and when I came back out the same guy, now so drunk he didn't recognize me said he was banned from that store and asked would I go inside and get him a quart of beer, attempting to give me what was left of the
  20. Maybe, but I'm guessing anyone walking around bare foot in November has other issues. The really sad thing is America, home of the largest prison population on Earth has become more concerned with locking people up than giving them the help they really need.
  21. Long ago I had a sales rep job and one of the stores I called on always had a homeless guy hanging around outside. His clothes were literally falling off him. He was about my same size so one Christmas season I filled a bag with a complete change of nearly new clean clothes. Shirt, jacket, pants socks and a pair of tennis shoes. I also found an old wallet and put a few dollars in it. The next week I gave it to him told him Merry Christmas and went inside, feeling really good about myself and did my job. An hour latter I was leaving when I noticed the bag thrown next to the dumpster everythin
  22. I don't know of any other teams that were paying their players cash rewards for sending another teams player to the hospital.
  23. I loved the Sears and Roebuck catalog it was my favorite next to the National Geographic magazine.
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