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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Evidently you cared enough to post a thread about it.
  2. The problem with conservatives is the size of their head is way too big for the size of their intellect. Imagine a B.B. bouncing around in a hot air balloon.
  3. What a meaningless worn out phrase that has become.
  4. I think I mentioned before that I was. And you know what no one I knew there really cared about Jane Fonda.
  5. I used up all my shame on you.
  6. Really cause I'm quite pleased with myself.
  7. Jane Fonda went to Vietnam and tried to apologize for a war we had no business being in.( see Gulf of Tonkin incident). Trump went to Putin and tried to beg for forgiveness. One was a sixties movie star the other is President of the United States. .
  8. If you're going to give up on traitors I guess you won't be watching any Celebrity Apprentice reruns.
  9. You have got to be kidding ! Is this one of those Trumpism's that tells you not to believe your own eyes and ears ? Or have you lost what little grip on reality that you have ever had ?
  10. It's a valid point, shows what a dishonest hypocrite Trump is.
  11. Based on current data Republicans will be running against Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama for the next ten years.
  12. Trump gets rich using bankruptcy laws, cheating his contractors and looting his investors capital .....GOOD Obama gets rich writing books and making public appearances........BAD
  13. Fake news. Sorry I just wanted to jump on the "fake news" bandwagon.
  14. I never supported the airport, I don't like the secrecy, the waste of tax dollars the out and out incompetence. But it's here now like it or not and until it starts making money it's going to suck up this county's tax dollars that could be used for something useful (a new concept in Paulding). On a side note Ive seen good people lose their homes and ran out of this county by the thug cartel that sat on the board of commissioners, I celebrate each and every time one of these thugs lose an election. Their conduct and abuse of power has been nothing short of criminal. R.I.P Thad Morrison
  15. No self respecting Georgia good ole boy would ever vote for a black woman. I don't care if she promised to gold plate Stone Mtn.
  16. I don't think Hartsville Jackson has anything to worry about.
  17. I say any Republican that can make your head explode can't be all bad.
  18. If Putin can buy the White House and half of the Republican party seems like poetic justice that a couple of country bumpkins get run out of Paulding.
  19. Well then Ms.Bunker you'll love this. The Arctic Is on Firehttps://www.vice.com/en_au/article/mb4gyb/the-arctic-is-on-fire-and-you-can-see-it-from-space
  20. I have a pretty good idea and boy is it nasty.
  21. Trump is following in the footsteps of Herbert Hoover and you seem to be fine with that. " Both stock markets and economists tend to loathe tariffs, which hamper the basic efficiency of the market, rarely accomplishing more than saving a few jobs in exchange for higher prices across the entire economy. One illustration of this that’s not as widely known as it should be is the role of tariffs, specifically a set of rules known as the Smoot-Hawley Tariff Act, in triggering the Great Depression. The parallels to the current moment are distressing. The Trump tariffs are not in effect yet,
  22. Heat wave strikes the Arctic, and the climate enters the Twilight Zone .....above the Arctic Circle, where an unprecedented heat wave has sent temperatures in the far north of Sweden as high as 86 F. “It is absolutely incredible and really one of the most intense heat events I’ve ever seen for so far north,” wrote meteorologist Nick Humphrey. And after years of increasingly hot, dry summers, the great forests in the far north, all around the globe, are starting to burn. https://www.yahoo.com/news/heat-wave-strikes-arctic-climate-enters-twilight-zone-210541776.html
  23. I doubt anyone on this board has feed at the public trough more than you have. Everything you own from your education to your home down to the meal you had tonight came at the expense of the taxpayer. I really don't think your the guy to stand on this soap box.
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