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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. I have never made a secret that I consider Trump a low life, a man with no redeeming characteristics, the kind of man that anyone with an ounce of character would strive not to be. I see little difference between you Trump and anyone else that would defend him .
  2. I know that you're an idiot , I know you have your head up Trump's ass, I know you wouldn't recognize the truth if is bit you on your butt. I know you're so full of sheeze it's a wonder your head doesn't explode. I know that you make up facts out of thin air . I know that your a fraud, a lier and a man without moral character anything else is just worthless information.
  3. Your statement was just another in your neverending Trump apology campaign.
  4. You have the maturity of a 13 year old boy.
  5. The last few days Ive done my best to avoid you, I ignored your insults and you constant stalking. Mostly because your an idiot and because your full of sheeze, your sheeze,Trumps sheeze and Republican party sheeze . I have no interest in having a discussion with you mostly because of the sheeze factor and because I know I would have better success explaining the theory of evolution to a dog as I would of having a reasonable conversation with you. You and Trump have a lot in common; your both incapable of telling the truth your both full of yourselves and your both grown men but with the min
  6. I'll worry about that when I spend as much time as you do lying, apologizing and making excuses for Trump. The day I spend half as much time "scouring" the internet as you do with your head stuck up Trump's sphincter is the day I'll start to worry.
  7. Three thousand died on 9/11/2001 would you call that a incredible success ?
  8. If hurricane Florence is headed your way you should know Trump has taken 10 million dollars meant for FEMA and diverted it to I.C.E because for this president putting children in cages is more important than aiding people harmed by disasters. If you have family that lives on coast urge them to leave because for Trump 3,000 dead is a incredible success. Despite massive death toll, Trump calls Puerto Rico hurricane response 'an incredible, unsung success' https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/11/politics/donald-trump-fema-hurricanes/index.html
  9. Until recently Ford had planned on keeping the Mustang and Fusion. https://www.motor1.com/news/240791/ford-explains-killing-off-cars/
  10. It looks like Democrats might once again be called upon to save America's auto industry. This car is the poster child for Trump’s trade folly In 2016, Ford decided to move production of the Focus — the best-selling car in the world not so long ago — from Michigan to Mexico, to lower production costs and try to make a profit on a low-margin vehicle. The Michigan plant would produce higher-profit SUVs instead... In 2017, Ford changed its plans again and decided to move Focus production from Mexico to China, where it had a plant that could handle the task. Moving the Focus to China
  11. Don't misunderstand me, some men like that kind of thing in a woman, slutty trashy women turn them on, some men even end up marrying them and go on to have happy lives together and that is just fine. If that's your type I say to each their own, God bless them one and all. Ive dated a few women like that myself, I just chose not to bring them home to meet my mother
  12. Take it up with the First Lady she stripped off her clothes, posed for the picture and liked it so much her and her husband posted it on the internet. Is it my fault the Trumps are into porn, prostitution and kinky sex ? Let's be honest, no one has ever accused a Trump of having any class.
  13. Yep, and 17 years later and we still have people dying in Afghanistan . Meanwhile Trump dances with the leaders of the terrorist home country.
  14. How many does it take in Trump's inner circle to tell you he is unstable, stupid and has the attention span of a child before you get the message ? Are you prepared to wait until Trump has his "Cuban missile crisis" is that extra twenty in your paycheck and your right wing ideology more important than your country. ( That's a rhetorical question when it comes down to party and country we already know where the conservatives stand.) I'll leave you with this, change is coming as much as change frightens you conservatives it's unstoppable, inevitable. You can cling to your confederate statues,
  15. So in short you are willing to gloss over the actions of a president that is clearly a threat to national security for the sake of the conservative agenda.
  16. Off the top of my head... Asking the Justice Department to go after his critics. Repeated attacks against journalist and the 1st amendment Trying to discredit institutions like the FBI and our intelligence community. A quick example Trump was furious that the Justice Dept is prosecuting two congressman, one for insider trading the other was living it up on campaign contributions both criminal violations . Why because the were Republicans. Do you think Republicans are above the law , of course you don't Trump evidently does. Here's the story. Trump attacks Sessions over prosec
  17. And that's the wonderful thing about living in a democracy, let's all hope it's still intact after Trump's administration. BTW I purposely said democracy instead of republic, either term would be correct, I just wanted to give our resident know it all, always good for a laugh, pseudo intellectual, shade tree mechanic something to talk about.
  18. You think replacing dead and retiring SC judges is an accomplishment ? Awarding tax breaks that overwhelmingly favor the people that did not need them at the expense of a deficit that your great great great grandchildren will be paying for is something to brag about ? As far as these dreaded regulations go I would be willing to bet you would have to go on a google search to name one. All you know (to paraphrase our resident know it all GD) is that the party told you they are the root of all evil and you believe it. ( Stand by while our resident know it all furiously searches the internet f
  19. Which do you like best the parade of Trump prostitutes getting their 15 min of fame, the steady march of his friends being led off to jail ? Giving Syria to the Russians, the fake "peace treaty" with North Korea or the love fest in Helsinki ? Wait I bet I know, it's either his love of neo nazi's or his disdain for people that allow themselves to be captured in war.
  20. “I don’t have any desire to beat the president up, but it’s pretty clear that this White House is a reality-show, soap-opera presidency,” Senator Ben Sasse https://dailycaller.com/2018/09/09/ben-sasse-trump-soap-opera/
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