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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. ^^^ Sixty going on twelve, at this rate you will be sucking on a pacifier by the time you hit 65 .
  2. Last month snopes was an unreliable piece of trash make up your 'fake news' mind.
  3. Isn't Trump wonderful . Donald Trump Spent $90 Million In Taxpayer Money On Golf Trips, Enough To House About 5,000 Homeless Veterans https://www.inquisitr.com/4686495/donald-trump-spent-90-million-in-taxpayer-money-on-golf-trips-enough-to-house-about-5000-homeless-veterans/
  4. This week on Celebrity Presidential Apprentice ; "Trump unhinged.' Trump calls on Sessions to 'stop' Mueller probeIt is unclear as to what prompted Trump's tweets Wednesday. Fox News, however, mentioned Manafort's trial during its 8 a.m. block. Trump's personal lawyers quickly sought to downplay his comments .... https://www.politico.com/story/2018/08/01/trump-calls-on-sessions-to-stop-mueller-probe-755030
  5. If I didn't know you were 60, I would swear to god you were 12, 13 tops.
  6. No one has proved anything for you, hell's bells man you can't even prove a point, I doubt you even know what the point is. From what Ive gathered truth is fake, wrong is right and Trump's farts smell like roses. .
  7. Telling people on this site they are unable to think for themselves isn't going to win you any popularity contest .
  8. Lucky you aren't running for office, looks like your poll numbers around here is in the dumpster.
  9. Trump got his walking papers from the NRA that is why he is not fighting it.
  10. The 'stable genius' is at it again. Trump Administration OKs Downloadable, 3D-Printed Guns
  11. Proving the old saying "Ignorance is Bliss".
  12. Have you been drinking again ?
  13. Someone get out the Glade, that one stunk up my whole living room.
  14. You have to admire Trump supporters they have managed to find the only way to believe in the man. That is not to believe their own eyes and ears. A truly remarkable feat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DB2Yf_2r-S4
  15. It is abundantly obvious that in your case any criticism of Trump is hate speech . It's also clear that you are using Dr. King to help your case , we certainly didn't see you quoting the man three years ago. For people that truly admire the man and what contributed to society your shameful use of his words could be viewed as sacrilege.
  16. The only thing it proves is that you are a Trump apologist and that he is a hypocrite.
  17. OK that was a good one, but your still an idiot. And by standing with Trump possibly a traitor.
  18. I'll take sad over dumb ass any day. .
  19. Or maybe it's MPGA ( Make Putin Great Again) ...It's hard to tell.
  20. Dude, no one not even your posse is believing this nonpartisan B.S. your selling.
  21. You need a house to fall on your head before you figure out he's in Putin's pocket ?
  22. Good luck sounds like you may have single handed raised the home values of the whole neighborhood.
  23. Trump might be your president, he is definitely Putin's president, but personally it will be a cold day in hell before I would claim him .
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