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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Because he's a lying manipulative pettry narcissistic scumbag for starters. And those are his good qualities. The fact that you can't see this, gloss over it and excuse it says as much about you as it does about him. I hate to rain on you parade Capt'n but the only jobs government (Trump) creates are government jobs. As far as Wall Street is concerned if greedy ass Trump knew how to manipulate the market we would be calling this the United States of Trump long ago.
  2. Trump tells distraught hurricane victim; "At least you got a nice boat out of the deal", referring to a boat that had washed ashore and crashed into the man's home. This isn’t the first time that Trump has shown a lack of empathy for the victims of natural disaster. https://thinkprogress.org/trump-to-hurricane-florence-victim-you-got-a-nice-boat-d801dae042fe/
  3. There are many ways to pay gifts, cash, "date night". However your chose to pay five will get ten says you're always the one on the bottom.
  4. Is that what you call men that sleep with hookers while their pregnant wife(s) sit at home and bear their children, "playboy's" ? If I was going to do that I may as well marry the Ho, right GD ?
  5. Difference is that was a lawsuit settlement not hush money paid under the table in an effort to hide from the American people what a low life he is.
  6. We don't have to take her word for anything Trump has admitted he paid her 130K to keep quiet. https://www.npr.org/2018/05/02/607943366/giuliani-says-trump-did-know-about-stormy-daniels-payment
  7. Did he mention the 'Jones Act' ? Under the law, any foreign registry vessel that enters Puerto Rico must pay punitive tariffs, fees and taxes, which are passed on to the Puerto Rican consumer. The foreign vessel has one other option: It can reroute to Jacksonville, Fla., where all the goods will be transferred to an American vessel, then shipped to Puerto Rico where — again — all the rerouting costs are passed through to the consumer. Thanks to the law, the price of goods from the United States mainland is at least double that in neighboring islands, including the United States Virgin I
  8. Hate is not always bad, hate dealt with the likes of King George, Emperor Hirohito,Mussolini, Hitler, Pol Pot and Joe McCarthy. Hate confronted a system that counted a man as 1/3 human. If it takes hate to get this perverted psychopath out of our White House,save our institutions and restore dignity to the office of POTUS then count me in as one "tormented soul". Maybe then America will not have to wake to the national embarrassment of stories like this. “I lay there, annoyed that I was getting f–ked by a guy with Yeti pubes and a d–k like the mushroom character in Mario Kart,” she ad
  9. The word on the street is she wears the pants in the family and your the wife .
  10. If I need another pair I'll get yours out of your wife's purse.
  11. Yea, that's it, that's the ticket, I'm a liar.
  12. You on the other hand would be devastated to hear what they say about you. Maybe you should stay away from the water cooler at work.
  13. LOL, I'm going to be up all night worrying about that; I don't do facebook but I can guess who at least a couple of your "friends" are one of them is such a gigantic fraud he even makes you look honest.
  14. That has nothing to do with what they say about you behind your back.
  15. Wasn't there an almost identical accent on that same stretch of road a few years back ?
  16. I'm planning dessert for november, which would your prefer crow or humble pie ?
  17. No one in Trump's circle has told him he's a freaking moron either at least not to his face. When they are free to speak their mind it's a different story altogether . I suspect you're living in the same bubble he is. As the old saying goes, and I hate to burst your bubble, but I'm afraid "The jokes on you". BTW in case you're wondering your not a "stable genius" either.
  18. Even you should be able to see the stupidity that lies in that correlation.
  19. And yet Trump didn't create a single job or hire a single person. Well he did but most of them are headed off to prison.
  20. How to help Florence victims https://www.yahoo.com/news/help-hurricane-florence-victims-202040603.html
  21. Really because Jones to me sounds no different that Trump, Guard Dad, Capt Rhett Butler and the other 36% of right wing wackos that still support this administration.
  22. Yea just don't let those credit cards go unpaid,
  23. A good strategy would not to hold a 2nd and 3rd mortgage on your property. But then you do have that trophy wife to keep happy .
  24. Like the victims of Sandy Hook were all paid actors ?
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