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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. The bottom line is 1 The guy was lucky the cop was a bad shot and he isn't dead. 2 The city will end up throwing some money his way and the taxpayers will end up footing the bill.
  2. So it's shoot first and ask questions later ?
  3. Cops go wild taxpayers pick up the bill. Woman hit by California officer gets $1.5 million LOS ANGELES (AP) — A woman punched repeatedly by a California Highway Patrol officer on the side of a freeway in an incident caught on video will receive $1.5 million under a settlement, and the officer has agreed to resign. http://news.yahoo.com/woman-hit-california-officer-gets-1-5-million-074742550.html
  4. My first question is if your conservative wife is such a fox why do you spend so much time in internet chatrooms ?
  5. You know "chester" it seems like a lot of people are being shot tased or beaten to death by police officers these days. Some armed some unarmed some deserved it some did not, some were criminals some were just in the wrong place at the wrong time and didn't do the Hokey Pokey well enough to suit a trigger happy cop. To ask why every shooting didn't result in a riot is a little on the ridiculous side.
  6. Official says Holder resigning as attorney generalWASHINGTON (AP) — Eric Holder, who served as the public face of the Obama administration's legal fight against terrorism and pushed to make the criminal justice system more even-handed, is resigning after six years on the job. http://news.yahoo.com/official-says-holder-resigning-attorney-general-145625458--politics.html
  7. Another Police shooting of an unarmed man. A South Carolina state trooper was fired last week and arrested on Wednesday after a dashcam video showed him shooting an unarmed man during a routine traffic stop. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/09/25/sean-groubert-fired-arrested_n_5879694.html
  8. Given that this site is overwhelmingly right wing Cornservative Teapublican I imagine you'd get the same response if Pubby posted a picture of Bill Clinton and Ronnie "I don't recall" * Reagan. * Iran/Contra hearings,
  9. Good point, now if only her religion (or somebody) had told her to put some damn clothes on.
  10. On the other side of the coin is .....
  11. Democracy in America is an illusion. Inside the Koch Brothers' Toxic Empire Together, Charles and David Koch control one of the world's largest fortunes, which they are using to buy up our political system. But what they don't want you to know is how they made all that money The electoral influence of the Koch brothers is similarly well-chronicled. The Kochs are our homegrown oligarchs; they've cornered the market on Republican politics and are nakedly attempting to buy Congress and the White House. Their political network helped finance the Tea Party and powers today's GOP. Koch-af
  12. Dont listen to those two, if its on the Internet it must be true. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_CgPsGY5Mw
  13. And that in a nutshell is exactly what got us here in the first place.
  14. Interesting that the first line would translate to; Praise be to Allah, we praise Him and seek His help and forgiveness and we believe and trust in him , and seek refuge with him from the evils of ourselves and from our bad deeds,
  15. Which could explain why George duba Bush invaded Iraq in the first place.
  16. You do know Baghdad is in Iraq right, and that Iraq is at the moment who we are trying to defend right ? Or are you having a George Bush shock and awe flashback ?
  17. Like GWB did ? Are you serious, what GWB did is what caused about ninety percent of this mess in the first place ! What GWB did set the stage for ISIL. GWB and his Iraq invasion was the greatest terrorist recruiting tool since Osama bin Laden. I know some Teapublicans suffer from selective memory disorder but it seems a few of you have out and out full blown amnesia. And you guys have the gall to say Democrats rely on uninformed voters.
  18. Amazing Cell phone video captures recent fuel drop over Paulding.
  19. http://www.vox.com/2014/9/22/6831565/was-this-syrian-man-the-first-person-to-tweet-the-american-air-strikes
  20. Personally I think it would be a beautiful addition to our community. A couple of liquor stores and a title pawn and I'd say we would have ourselves tourist destination.
  21. I grew up at the tail end of the polio epidemic. The vaccination was available when I was two and by age five most everyone had been vaccinated but their were some that for whatever reason never got the shot. We had two kids in our class that got the disease a boy and a girl. They went through life with steel braces on their legs and crutches to help them get around. I learned at a class reunion Wayne died in his early sixties I don't know what happened to the girl. My point is had everyone refused the polio vaccination back in the fifties we would most likely still have hospital wards with i
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