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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Years ago when Koreans were buyinging up a lot of convenience stores (mostly in the ghetto) people were swearing up and down the Government was giving them money to buy businesses. Total BS but people believed it. Rumors and gossip passed off as fact is how a lot of problems get started in this county.
  2. And If there had not been for a video what do you think would have happened ? I'll give you a hint ; Not a damn thing Sheriff Leon would have backed his man to the very end and the whole incident would have been swept under the rug. Sheriff Leon Lott initially backed Derrick — disagreeing with Columbia Police — saying that he had authority to make an arrest, suggesting that Ball was “resisting.” After a week of pressure and reasoning, Sheriff Lott placed Derrick on leave without pay, according to
  3. I think the OP brought more "fuel" to the subject of racism than the article at USA Today did.
  4. The only thing I see is an article that points out "The lack of black officers who lead infantry, armor and field artillery battalions and brigades " you are the one that sees it as fueling the flames of racial unrest.
  5. Well this video showed a couple of eyewitnesses reaction to the shooting what will your video show ?
  6. I'm still trying to figure how your thread related to racism being fueled by the liberal media.
  7. The title of the thread is "Ferguson video taken day of shooting". It doesn't say new evidence of Ferguson shooting. If you don't like it don't read it, and quit your damn whining.
  8. ST. LOUIS (AP) — Cellphone video that shows a witness raising his hands in the air immediately after the fatal shooting of a black 18-year-old by a white police officer in Ferguson appears to support previous accounts and could bolster arguments that Michael Brown was surrendering when he was shot, legal experts said Friday. https://news.yahoo.com/ferguson-video-shows-witness-raising-hands-air-214241012.html https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sblJdLcgXfU
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RyWSEwKPo8s
  10. On her Facebook page, Sarah Palin claimed she had been traveling on Saturday. But one person who claimed to be a witness commented on the post that Sarah’s traveling claim was a load of moose manure. “Interesting . . . pretty sure you were not traveling and you and family were on the Southside causing chaos. Saw it happen. Don’t fib.” http://nypost.com/2014/09/12/palin-family-involved-in-drunken-house-party-brawl-reports/
  11. Bottom line the Chinese get the pork and we get to keep manure and all the other pollution associated with the pork industry.
  12. During a drunken brawl Sarah Palin asks the iconic question ..... Sarah Palin and her family were reportedly involved in a "booze-filled brawl" in Alaska last weekend when the Mama Grizzly allegedly screamed, "Don’t you know who I am?" https://celebrity.yahoo.com/photos/don-t-you-know-who-i-am-celebs-who-ve-pulled-the-fame-card-slideshow/
  13. Their is a low tech way to solve your dilemma you could just IGNORE post you're not interested in.
  14. Revenge is a dish best served cold or with fava beans and a nice chianti .... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iVlkZVAw8Gc
  15. What's for Dinner ? California man accused of cooking ex-girlfriend's dog She told law enforcement officials that their relationship was punctuated by bouts of domestic violence, but the two attempted to reconcile their problems last week over a meal that he cooked. Following the meal, which contained meat, Watenpaugh sent her text messages asking how her dog tasted, police said. A few days later, he left a bag on her porch that contained two dog paws. https://news.yahoo.com/california-man-accused-cooking-ex-girlfriends-dog-052843210.html
  16. Tax subsidies don't leave you holding the bag, or in this case an empty movie studio. New movie studio could be horror for taxpayers The facility is being constructed on Thompson Road near Hiram. It is being financed by bonds through the Industrial Building Authority and backed by Paulding County. According to officials if the facility fails to earn sufficient revenue to pay back the bond payment, county taxpayers would be responsible for those payments. http://www.cbs46.com/story/15257302/movie-studio-construction-could-be-horror-for-taxpayers Gwinnett on the other hand has de
  17. Never happen, but like a broken clock even you and Neal Boortz are bound to be right at least a couple of times a day.
  18. Actually building roads is a recognized duty of government so is maintaining a standing army. Public safety which would include a police and fire department is expected from government. The TVA was created back in the 30's because private companies could not make a profit running electricity to a a few scattered rural farms. These things made sense during a depression to put people back to work, giant projects like the Hoover Dam and Panama canal are expected from government because their are just some things only governments can do. But for the life of me I cannot see how a Hollywood movie st
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