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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. So Cute.... 4-year old calls 911, saves pregnant mother and becomes a big sister (CNN)Calise Manning is being called a hero for helping her pregnant mother and calling 911 operators in Kalamazoo, Michigan. "She's shaking and she's having a baby," Calise tells a dispatcher in 911 audio obtained by CNN affiliate WWMT. "My mom is really pregnant and she's having a boy and she really needs help." http://www.cnn.com/2015/01/25/us/michigan-pregnant-mom-911-call/index.html
  2. I think my version is the Roku 2, not that impressed with what they offer but it was cheap soooo.,
  3. Word is 8.1 is going to be offered as a free download this year, you could do everyone a favor by sharing how it eventually works out for you.
  4. Actually your Butts ( ) cost you 1.75 lb cause they sneak in an extra 10 % at the register.
  5. I'm leaning toward a six pack of beer and hamburger helper.
  6. Can't answer you question but blood clots are a dangerous thing. Something you should seek immediate medical attention for. My grandfather lost a leg and shortly thereafter his life because of a blood clot.
  7. Every gambler knows the secret to surviving is knowing what to throw away and knowing what to keep. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XAxsS3IwXY
  8. Is this really cool or does it mean the beginning of the end for manufacturing jobs ? Would you drive a car made by a 3D printer? Arizona-Based Local Motors designs, prints and will sell the Strati-EV. The car isn’t street legal just yet but will sell for about $18,000. It can hit speeds of up to 50 miles per hour. The electric car was created in about 45 hours by a 3D printer. Designers upload a layout and the printer creates it using thousands of layers of liquid plastic. http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2014/11/17/would-drive-car-made-by-3d-printer/
  9. You know TP a wise philosopher once said ; Youve got to know when to hold them. Know when to fold them. Know when to walk away. Know when to run.
  10. As always it all comes down to one thing; what side of the fence you happen to be sitting on.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VxoXn-0Ezs
  12. How about some animal sounds ? * Rumors that this was recorded outside of guarddad's house during a saturday night's drunken rage have never been proven.
  13. Is that what it is Socialist cop bashing ? On September 13, 2000, agents from the DEA, the FBI, and a Stanislaus County, California narcotics task force conducted a series of raids on 14 homes in the area of Modesto, Calif. When local police asked if there were any children in the Sepulveda home, federal agents answered, "Not aware of any." But Sepulveda had three children, a daughter and two sons. After the police broke into the Sepulveda home, Moises, his wife and children were ordered to lie face down on the floor as officers pointed guns at their heads. Moments later, Off
  14. Here is the story behind this picture. A Georgia police officer won’t be charged in the fatal shooting of a teenager holding a video game controller — even though a previous grand jury found the use of force was not authorized. Gatny said she heard “what she believed to be the action of a firearm” before the door was opened and drew her own weapon, which she fired after the teen opened the door holding what she believed was a pistol. Family members, however, said the boy was holding a Nintendo Wii game controller. She was investigated in 2008 after firing her service weapon at a
  15. I read the story, another in the long line of tragic events centered around the use of SWAT teams. You seem to be a big supporter of these kinds of tactics so I wonder; Do you believe it would be possible for law enforcement to do their job of arresting people and bringing them to trial without these middle of the night military style no knock assaults on peoples homes ?
  16. Oh hell masked man everyone has an agenda, yours just happens to be the opposite agenda of the OP.
  17. I thinks this was brought up by someone else earlier but if you missed it he/she was pointing out that replying to a comment with nothing more than "Well you do it too" or "he started it" does absolutely nothing to advance the discussion or the exchange of ideas and as the commenter pointed out and I am paraphrasing here, it's just LAME.
  18. You know what's sickening ? People who use that as a valid excuse for the unnecessary death of innocent people. Might be a great excuse for some redneck shooting beer bottles in his backyard but oops shouldn't be the answer for a trained police officer. "We blew your babies face off today, but oops we didn't mean to, so it's ok." .......Bullcheeze.
  19. Consider this from TBS's link..... "Highly protected... and HIGHLY TASTY!!!!! think about it. those suckers eat sweet coconuts all day. That meat is AWESOME! Best tasting crab I ever ate. Too bad I could only get my hands on it once. " http://www.spearfishingplanet.com/indo-pacific/18540-coconut-crabs-yall-eat-these.html
  20. Thanks cp3o I will definitely check that out. In the meantime you might consider you ..... ps Did you ever figure out why people pay taxes ?
  21. Maybe so, maybe not. A simple youtube search using the term "Police Brutality" yields : About 364,000 results. Using the same term "Police Brutality" for a google search yields : About 12,000,000 results (0.38 seconds)
  22. With hundreds of examples of misconduct being exposed seemingly every day on the internet, unless this is some sort of grand conspiracy you have to question this notion that it's just a few rogue cops causing the problems.
  23. I can prove capitalism no longer exist in 4 words : Too Big To Fail.
  24. The original McDonalds fries were the best then the food Nazi's came along and shamed them into using tasteless vegetable oil instead of lard.
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