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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. As much as you might wish the UN is not and never has been a military organisation. You are asking the company Chaplain to lead a commando operation. But that is and always has been the trouble with the 'Right' you seem to know just enough about a situation to be dangerous.
  2. Bush rejected any intel that did not justify his dirty war plans.
  3. Yet no one has used the UN more to legitimize their dirty unjustified wars than the conservative right.
  4. No one want's to be a communist, now put down that Joseph McCarthy biography and step away slowly.
  5. Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. You have finally popped out of the oven nuttier than a fruitcake.
  6. First you have to get both sides to agree to a truce and agree to begin negotiating a peace agreement, at that point UN troops can step in between the two armies in an observation role to report if any side violates the ceasefire agreement. However before any of this can occur a vote of the 193 member nations has to agree to do it the first place. If all of this takes place then a frightening force of men in their little blue helmets and lightly armed white vehicles-mostly pickup trucks- can move in. For your reading pleasure... Role of the Security Council http://www.un.org/en/
  7. The man is obviously someone that can make a decisive decision and stick with it. The kind of guy you want in a crisis. Trump was reportedly calling people at midnight asking if he could change VP pickhttp://finance.yahoo.com/news/trump-reportedly-calling-people-midnight-190030574.html
  8. Maybe because the country is 98.9 % Muslim. Their flag should have been a dead give away.
  9. I've had pretty good results with this. Proactive, uses a list compiled by other users of known telemarketers. Use to be called 'Whitepages'. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.webascender.callerid
  10. Speak for yourself, When I need you to put words in my mouth I'll let you know .
  11. As much as you may dislike the UN, I hate to have to be the one to tell you but you are simply barking up the wrong tree. The United Nations has no authority on it's own to intervene into the affairs of a sovereign nation like the the unrest seen during the Arab Spring. We did see them step in during the rebellion against Gaddafi but that was only after a vote of the Security council, even then the actual military operation was carried out by a coalition of nations. Which ironically was an operation the Right has been bitching about ever since. Desert Storm and the Iraq invasion was another op
  12. First thing that needs to be done is check and see if Paulding's tunnels are connected to the airport.
  13. Then why would you blame the United Nations for not keeping a peace that does not exist ? It's almost like blaming the police for a bank robbery.
  14. Nothing personal but I don't think you know what the role of a peacekeeping force is. Definitions Collins English Dictionary nouna force designated to the maintenance of peace, esp the prevention of further fighting between hostile forces in an area ⇒ the possibilities of a U.N. peacekeeping force monitoring the ceasefire in the country
  15. Best of luck to them but they definitely have a long hard road ahead of them; the last count I heard only 11 planes are based at SCF not exactly a huge fleet in need of service.
  16. 'I'm rubber you're glue'. No wait, 'Takes one to know one'.
  17. Simple minded people believe there is a simple solution for everything.
  18. With what ? The United Nations has no air force no navy. A quick check shows they have a military force of 86,000 men and 13,000 police all from various nations all equipped with with bare bones assets. It's is and always has been a peacekeeping force not a peacemaking force. They have a annual budget of 8 billion dollars, with 1 billion of that going toward peacekeeping operations. About the amount the United States runs through in a week. Depending on or even expecting the United Nations to solve the war on terror would be like asking the Paulding counties Sheriff's office to take over l
  19. How long before Trump congratulates himself on this ?
  20. His white hair compliments Donald's orange head.
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