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Everything posted by Candycane

  1. Got an email this morning with this information. I've always thought even before this happened that schools are just so vulnerable, especially some of these elementary schools. I've been to one where people just past right by the office and go down the hall without anyone noticing them.
  2. Candycane


    Hmmm really, what the hell ever. Didn't you say I was one of Those parents that didn't pull their weight because I don't hang with the cliques. I know which group you were in in High School. No I am not a "loaner", I don't loan money to anyone, and it doesnt make me a loner because I choose not to participate in the backstabbing and gossiping.
  3. This game is making me change my mind about he Falcons, I have been hard on them all year, but looks like they may be the real deal. Hope I don't eat my words later!!
  4. Candycane


    I guess I should have never brought up the cliques I see with the moms on the sport teams. I don't partake in it, and keep to myself and it just all went down hill from there. It's reality, and it happens. I guess I am in a clique in the "keep to myself clique" there are usually a few of us that just watch the game. I have actually been at games and the parents were not cheering for the players because they were too busy talking and gossiping. That's not what im there for .Anyway, sorry to have started this mess with your thread!!
  5. Candycane


    I really didnt have an opinion about you one way or the other, I actually did like you, I think I made a comment about your hair once. But since you decided to gang up with Go Hater, and form your own little clique, I am just defending myself.
  6. Candycane


    Wow!!! I wonder why you didnt get the same type of bashing that I did. You were practically saying the same thing I said, especially the part about being smart and staying away from them. But I get called a bitch and then somone said no wonder no one wants to hang with me, because I don't get caught up in cliques, someone said I wasnt doing my part with the team. . and that I was one of THOSE parents. But I guess I havent been on PCom long enough, Interesting!!!
  7. Candycane


    I stay in touch with the teachers when I need to, so NO that does not make me one of Those parents, whatever the hell that means. My son is a straight A student and never gets in trouble, so therefore I really don't have to stay in touch with the teachers too much. Now if he was a hellion and making C's and F's that would be another story, I guess you would have to stay in touch with the teachers!! No Thank You, I was always taught never meet up with strangers!!!! And Im done with you two, carry on with yourselves. Apparently you are part of the same PCOM Clique!!!
  8. Candycane


    Shut your pie hole before I get citizen cain on you!! Yes you are!!!
  9. Candycane


    And why are you commenting on anything I say about sports, im not talking bout rec ball!!!! :yahoo:
  10. Candycane


    It takes a BITCH to know one!! No sweetie, YOUR POOR kid!! MInd is far from POOR!!!!
  11. Candycane


    Concession check? Don't have a clue on what the hell you are talking about. My son's fees for the team are paid up front in FULL every year, so I don't have to work concession stand or do anything else to pay for his fees. But maybe that's why you and your clique volunteer so much, dipping into the cookie jar, did I hit a nerve????
  12. Candycane


    Asshole whatever you want to call me, I don't give a rat's ass. Because I don't want to be apart of a clique? These witches try to pull me in their little cliques all the time, but like I said im too old for that!!! Been there done that!!!
  13. Candycane


    The worst are the cliiques in the high school sports, the "sports mom's. And baseball moms are the worse. I go to games to support my child, not to be involved in these stupid cliques. And I know I get talked about because im usually off to myself, but I don't care, Im too old for that crap.Been there and done that, in high school.And we wonder where these kids get it from. !!
  14. I am a little confused on all the reports because there have been so many, one on instance a parent was saying that her son was in the class of one of the teachers that was killed and they all just ran past him, now they are saying she hid them all in cabinets and closets. Either case, was there not a back or side door they all could have just ran out. I know the schools I have ever been to here in paulding all the classrooms have back or side doors.
  15. So now they are saying the mother wasnt a teacher at the school. So him targeting the school had nothing to do with the mother. Sick, Sick, Sick, SOB. Hell is tooooo good for him!!
  16. You are so right parents are not parenting. I saw on the news a story where a 13 year old had a baby and the baby died, and the parents didnt even know it. How do you not know your child is pregnant and then delivers a baby by herself.I just don't undertand.
  17. soooo confusing, now they are saying the mother was the one found dead at the home, she was not at the school. So he still went to the school after he killed his mother at home.
  18. Yes, I agree, the Giants will be their big test.....
  19. And Eli Manning will have his way with them Sunday. And the meltdown begins!!!
  20. Carolina won 30-20 I believe was the final score!
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