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Everything posted by pcfanatic

  1. Instead of worrying about the invitation to the Commissioners, I've got a novel idea. Why don't the Commissioners host their own town hall meeting to present the plan to the citizens? Convince us it was the right thing to do. Explain the whys and details of their deal with Propeller. If it is such a good deal, they should be able to sell it the the majority of the citizens. The secrecy of it all is what is turning many people aginst the Commissioners and the deal. Cobb County has released the Memorandum of Understanding with the Braves and are holding three town hall meetings to explain
  2. Delta is a business, they are in business to make money. If they have have to step on Paulding County Airport Authority and Commissioners to make that money they will. Kind of like the Paulding Commissioners stepping on the citizens of the county. You know how the game is played, that is real life. Get over it. May the biggest and strongest win the game.
  3. Maybe Delta isn't the big bad wolf that you and David Austin want everyone to believe they are. Maybe David and his cronies are the big bad wolves stepping on Paulding citizens and wasting taxpaper money.
  4. Delta's letter makes the Airport Authority and Commissioners, that were involved in this, look like the bunch of bafoons they are. Instead of operating in secret, maybe they should have gone public so they could have gotten some good advice as to what is going on in the real world around them. Their egos blinded them to this reality. Apparently, they thought Delta and Atlanta would sit by and let this happen. They've already spent millions on this, how much more is it going to cost the taxpayers. I would advise the Commisioners to quit spending our tax money until they see how this pla
  5. Pubby, I may not be as enlightened as you, few people are. However, I am not as ignorant and naive as you assumed in your response. By the way, electric coops are not contracts between local governments and private contactors, They are the people who needed and needs the electric service borrowing money from the Government to provide themselves the service. You are comparing apples and oranges. Tthe Government should not be in the business of partnering with the private sector to create jobs. The private sector can take care of itself and more jobs would be created if the Government
  6. The bottom line is Governments should not be in the business of partnering with private entities. Job creation should be left to the private sector. What you end up with is all the various governments competing with each other and giving away taxpayer "stuff" to lure a business. The give-aways continue to grow and grow with no end in sight. Look at what Cobb county is doing with the Braves. Luring them with taxpayer money, to the detriment of City of Atlanta. If Braves want to go to Cobb County they should go on their own and foot the bill. However, Governments will not get out of the j
  7. They are not trying to use their own acreage, they are trying to use a county owned airport to fatten their wallets at the expense of other citizens. If they they can use the airport and keep the noise and pollution off my property, then more power to them.
  8. Who is lying to Paulding residents? In the tape Brett Smith empathically denied asking the county to keep the deal on the low down, yet the Commision said they kept quite at the request of Smith and Propeller. Also around the time of the Public announcement on the TV news, Smith was asked about the delay in making the announcement. He answered and I quote " Loose lips, sink ships". Either the Commision is lying or the person they are in bed with is lying. Do you really want me to believe the average standard of living in Paulding is lower than Atlanta City and Clayton and Fult
  9. You must be drinking the kool aid that the Chamber of Commerce is passing out. If an airport and other industries are so great for the tax base and take the load off home owners, why are taxes in City of Atlanta, Cobb, Fulton, and Clayton Counties higher than they are in Paulding? Don't buy their propaganda, they are only trying to increase business for themselves.
  10. It was built because a few of the "elites" conned the FAA into building them a place to park their personal "birds". Now they have got the airport and it is costing the county an arm and leg to keep it open. Now, the county leaders are throwing away more good money after bad, thinking they can make it feasible to stay open for their "birds". Construction of an airport in Paulding was many years before it was time. When a private business is losing money, they just padlock the place and move on. Maybe Paulding should do the same, put a padlock on the airport gate instead of throwing more i
  11. Let me get this straight, the "pipsqueak" Commission Chairman of Paulding County is calling out the CEO of Delta Airlines? I think this has become a win at all costs "game" to David Austin and he cannot stand the thoughts that he will not get his way. He could care less what the people who elected him think.
  12. To view a new low in professionalism, go to the paulding.gov website and view the Nov 12 Commission work session. The commissioners brought in the Haralson county BOC chairman to try to bolster their actions on the airport. What a shill !!!! On top of that, in response to a citizens comments, Chairman Austin is now quoting Bible verses to justify his actions on the airporrt expansion. That is the ultimate in sacrilege. But if he is supportting "God's Airport" I guess he thinks it is OK.
  13. It just amazes me, the numbers of people that are for JOBS, JOBS, JOBS as long as they are not directly impacted. An airport is the most depised neighbor of any industry you could bring into any area. And if you think it is going to lower taxes, you are dreaming. Go to Clayton county and Fulton County and see what the taxes are. Where is people's compassion for their Paulding neighbors that are going to be severely impacted? Just remenmber the next time the Board of Commisioners sneaks in a deal, it just might be in your backyard.
  14. There's one thing I've been wondering about. If anyone has the answer, please post. Supposedly the Paulding deal was inked a year ago. If that is the case and Bret Smith and Propeller Investments have such a grand vision for Paulding Airport, what was he doing in Gwinnett County as recently as the last couple of months trying to sell them the same deal? If Gwinnett had been approved was he going to leave Pauling Airport Authority and BOC holding the bag?
  15. Let's all kiss and make up. And forget the BOC prepertated a scam on the citizens for a year.
  16. The older generations were respectable people, it just that the younger generations have come along and all they can see is dollar signs. Believe me I have been around long enough to see it happen.
  17. What Todd knew and when he knew it is something only Todd knows. But one thing is for sure, by not personally discussing it with him the clowns on the commision left the door open for him to deny any knowledge until hell freezes.
  18. Do you really think the Airport Authority would do anything without having the Commissioners on board. Where do you think they are getting their money? Can you spell $3.6 mil bond?
  19. Did Carmichael vote to approve this secret deal, the "Silver Comet Agreement"? Yes or No? If yes, he is part of the conspiracy to scam the Paulding citizens, no matter what you say or think of him. I rest my case.
  20. Let me get this straight. A group of fine upstanding men perpetrated a scam against the citizens of Paulding by keeping them in the dark for a year. What is your definition of upstanding man.
  21. I would like to see the entire contract with Propeller. What is county getting, if we are having to pay Propeller's electric bill? Also I would urge everyone to take a map of the county. On that map mark the airport location and then the homes of the rougue commisioners and the airport authortiy members. I think you will get the picture of what these people think about West Paulding residents near the airport.
  22. Something to think about. On the news yesterday, there was a story about a new medical study that came out, linking an increase in heart disease to living near an airport. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2013/10/08/airport-noise-linked-to-heart-risks/
  23. A second Atlanta general aviation airport would be a positive step for the County. Ha Ha !! Look how great it is around Hartsfield.. That area is doormat of the entire region. Everyone wants to work there, but they don't want to live within 30 miles. Ever wonder why we have so many airport wokers etc. living in Paulding. Duh!
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