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Everything posted by bored

  1. According to the Paulding Chamber announcement: A Chicken Restaurant in Dallas that has been closed for a while will be re-opening soon. Does anybody know when? AND, I know we cannot mention non-commerce members names so I will call it......Mr. Loosers (tho I love this place).
  2. EXACT same thing happened to me....I had to pay $300 in tickets because of it.
  3. First............I do not approve of the wrongful use of food stamps of any reason. But, lets step back and think for a moment. This is in another state with different rules. We do not know the reason this person is on assistance. IF they are in the military or law enforcement and received this because they are working but are underpaid....I say, dinner is on me, enjoy.
  4. My sister has been talking about a pay lake in the Holly Springs/Buchanan area that the VA's run. You pay a few dollars a day and there is a boat launch there. This is all I know about the place( other than it is not the same as Coot's lake). If anyone knows about this lake I would like more info., thanks.
  5. Yogi Bear is a nice little place. I am awful with directions so I am putting a link to google maps on for the waterfall. You have to park in the cemetary to get to the walking trail. Enjoy. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=High+Shoals+Road,+Dallas,+GA&aq=1&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=30.130288,86.220703&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=High+Shoals+Rd,+Dallas,+Paulding,+Georgia+30132&z=14
  6. I am trying to add a profile pic/avatar to my profile. The picture I chose shows as my picture but will not show as my avatar. All I see there is a box with an x in it. I am sure I chose the right type of picture and it is the right size, so what am I doing wrong???
  7. I believe everyone was at the car show in Dallas tonight, it was crowded. Tomorrow you can pack a pic-nic and head to the park and fish. Or you can take a day drive to Chattanooga and enjoy the area. There is also Coots Lake nearby as well as Yogi Bear Park in Villa Rica. If you like to shop hit up the antique area and square in Marietta, lots of window shopping there. If you have never been to High Shoals waterfall that is a nice place. Cartersville has some fun stuff to do including the Booth Western Museum, sounds boring but it is really nice. ****My screen name may say "b
  8. I am not trying to be funny at all, my idea is serious. If you can wait a day or two I bet some of the senior citizens at a local nursing home would enjoy punching holes as a project. Think about it, take them lots of paper and some hole punchers and they would have a field day helping out.
  9. You wear what you wish and I will carry on. My part of the conversation is over.
  10. He would say not to waste my time or energy. He realizes morals and decency have gone out the window for most people. And yes, He excites me and His coming return excites me. Carry on.
  11. Not stooping to your level. My argument is done. I will answer to God for my beliefs, not you.
  12. Modesty. Not only do I think it is wrong for girls to be half dressed I do not believe my son should be either. Put on a shirt and pull up the pants. Be modest.
  13. No. If you read my other comments I do not believe they should dress that way in a pool either. You can dress decently in bathing suits. What the OP was stating is a lack of material.
  14. Again, my son will not be outside without a shirt. Morals have to start somewhere,.
  15. Not gonna argue with you. I won't bring the Biblical laws of decency nor the state laws into the conversation. If a momma is okay with letting her girl dress like a slut then more power to them. Very sad in my book. And I will not let my son outside without a shirt, not even in the pool. I believe in decency for both sexes. Morals have gone out of the window.
  16. 4 words.....Put some clothes on. OR, 2 words....Stay inside.
  17. What we have here is a lack of respect.....For themselves and for others. There is no reason to be half-dressed outside of your house. And yes....I am a Jesus freak and believe in modesty. What would happen if these girls wore this to a public school? They would be sent home for indecency.....think about it.
  18. BINGO. And mommas....don't let your girls go outside half naked. I am betting the kids do not have jobs or cars so some adult bought this for them.
  19. And I bet if one of the boys showed attention to the said girls their mom would think they were perverts and press charges against them. I personally think that any parent who allows their daughter to "show her stuff" is guilty of child endagerment....JMHO.
  20. This is the one I have. You can get it for about $30 when you wait for a sale and use a coupon,. Great product.
  21. YES. Sally Beauty has the knock off brand. I have had mine for over 2 years and had no problems. I paid around $30 for it. Goes by the brand name......Generic Value Products.
  22. Let's save everyone some time and just announce me the winner...thanks. Headed over to FB now to enter.
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